Opinion: Stop Congress from taking Tahoe bike money

To the community,

Tahoe and the nation need your help right now. As I mentioned months ago, members in Congress are seeking to eliminate bike/ped and recreation trail funding from the transportation bill.

bikeFinally, major Tahoe stakeholders have finally got it right about the need to build a bicycle-friendly region with a connected network of bikeways bringing us together more often — without the need for motor vehicles. But is it too late?

Help Tahoe and America stay the course with building a low cost, high-valued, and sustainable transportation system not reliant on motor vehicles. Motor vehicle infrastructure is not sustainable because we can’t afford to increasingly build more as energy costs continue to escalate from unstable governments.

Contact your local and state representatives and tell the Senate to vote for our sustainable future through human powered transportation initiatives — trails.

Keepin it real and rollin,

Ty Polastri, president Lake Tahoe Bicycle Coalition