Opinion: Tahoe’s young professionals thankful
To the community,
Tahoe Regional Young Professionals would like to thank all who joined the group July 27 at Pope Beach for their mixer/barbeque. More than 30 people attended the warm sunset filled evening – the second of many mixers for the young professionals.
TRYP would like to send a special “thank you” to Overland Meat for donating their delicious burgers and hot dogs. Great salads, sides and desserts were brought by individuals and TRYP.
The next events scheduled are Beach Clean-up days, Aug. 17 and Aug 20. Stay tuned for details.
TRYP’s mission is connecting Tahoe’s next generation to help the community and strives to get younger professionals involved in the community and give back while creating an environment for networking.
For more information email tahoetryp@gmail.com or find them on Facebook: www.facebook.com/TahoeTRYP.
Jenn Boyd, TRYP