Opinion: Use Measure S money to pay down debt

To the community,

All of the fussing and feuding over S, B, and R reminds me of a family fighting over money that a rich uncle, who died, has left in a poorly written will. Who will get what?

The dead uncle is S and its off spring B. And of course the ice rink has failed as a revenue source for the city. And R has created more factions that we don’t need.

Bill Crawford

Bill Crawford

In 2000 I wrote the ballot argument against S. I believed then that S was all about the rink. Seems I was right. There’s just one S ball field and few “new” post S bike paths.

I think it’s time to use the “surplus” tax money and pay down the debt. That should stop the fussing and feuding. And it’s time to admit that S is a failure.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe