Pedestrian dies crossing Hwy. 50 in Stateline


A Calaveras County woman has died from the injuries she sustained after being hit by an alleged drunken driver while she was crossing Highway 50 in Stateline.

Joan Marie Hamrick, 60, of Valley Springs was struck while going from the Horizon casino to MontBleu at 1:17am Saturday. She was flown to Renown Medical Center in Reno where she later died.

David Ray Stephenson, 35, of Discovery Bay was booked into jail on charges of felony DUI.

Nevada Highway Patrol troopers said Stephenson was driving an unregistered silver Ford truck when he struck Hamrick, who was in a cross walk. He was followed less than a mile to Kahle Drive by a witness.

Officers waited for the suspect to return and then arrested Stephenson.

The accident is still under investigation. Anyone with information is asked to call Sgt. Scott Famer at (775) 689.4623.

— Kathryn Reed


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Comments (21)
  1. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: July 30, 2011

    When is Hwy 50 going to be rerouted around the backside of Mont Blue? At least one direction?

  2. Josh says - Posted: July 31, 2011

    As a long time Tahoe resident I’ve heard of and witnessed many, many accidents in the stateline strip. The area is poorly lit, except by flashing, distracting marquee and billboard signs. With the closing of bills the area is even darker. You’ve got drunk pedestrians milling about in an area where drunk drivers are common. A pedestrian over pass, and a closure of pedestrian street crossing from dawn to dusk should be enforced. I think some responsibility should land on the casino’s…that area is poorly designed for the maintenance of public safety. The pedestrian always has the right of way, but is that really safe? I’ve seen a few accidents there first hand, all of which could have been avoided if someone put a little thought into how traffic (vehicle and pedestrian) is routed through that strip. It’s proved itself a recipe for tragedy too many times.

  3. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: August 1, 2011

    The other thing is the speed through there. How many times are people going well over the speed limit. If you even try to go 10 over, people are riding your a$$.

  4. Maggie says - Posted: August 1, 2011

    Joan was my neighbor. Sweetest Lady ever. Vacationing with her family. How sad this terrible news is. Rest in peace Joanie, you did not deserve to die this way!

  5. Tony says - Posted: August 1, 2011

    Joanie was best and this death is a tragedy. She will be missed be everyone that knew her.

  6. Dan Wilvers says - Posted: August 1, 2011

    my heart goes out to you Maggie and Tony as well as her family.

  7. Kitten says - Posted: August 1, 2011

    My heart goes out to her family too. My friend was killed the same way in 1991. He was 42.

  8. Josh says - Posted: August 3, 2011

    I heard that the driver blew a .09. That’s like a beer and a half. I’m not sure if the pedestrian had been drinking. How many people get in their car after a glass of wine or two with dinner? I’d say the majority of normally responsible people don’t think twice about a drink or two before driving. I see the driver painted as a drunken menace in the comment threads on other sites. While I understand frustration and anger during tragic times, and fleeing the scene of a crime only reinforces that image. However, the flight mechanism is a strong one, and I wonder just how many people can remain calm and collected in the face of possible manslaughter. I truly feel for all parties involved, I do also plead for understanding from both sides. If a pedestrian enters the roadway on a green light (not sure if this was the case), will a crosswalk make them easier to see? Will it protect them from an oncoming car? The accident occurred at about 10mph, and skid marks showed that the driver attempted to stop. The images of a frothing drunk, careening down the highway are false. This all points the fact that the area where this occurred is in dire need of corrective action. A single streetlight might have made for another uneventful night in Tahoe, and two people totally unconnected by tragedy.

  9. jb says - Posted: August 3, 2011

    I have known David for over 10 years and have worked with him all of those years. He is a caring and kind young man.
    I feel so torn over this tragedy.
    I am such an extreme advocate for not drinking and driving and normally I would have absolutely NO sympathy for the driver. But I know David, I know he will never get over this. I know he feels horrible about what happened. I also believe the reason David left the scene was to get to his wife and young children before he “went away”.
    David and his wife were in Lake Tahoe for a wedding, a beginning of a new life for two people. It is so sad such a happy occasion not only for David but also Joan Marie Hamrick ended so tragically and changed so many lives forever.

  10. Close to the situation says - Posted: August 3, 2011

    With all the articles that I have read about this incident, this is the “closest” to correct. Although many of you are close to either party, the fact is both are at fault here. Stupid decision by the driver, of course, but most don’t know that he went back to check on the victim before going to see his family. Also, many don’t know that the victim had been drinking as well and did not have a green signal to walk. In no way am I condoning that the driver drove after drinking, but as Josh correctly and level-headedly stated, more than the two involved in the incident are at fault. These accidents happen on the strip more than people realize. As angry as some are at the situation, remember that prayers for the fallen help more than threats against the guilty. I pray that God continues watching over everyone who is even moderately touched by this situation.

  11. 30yrlocal says - Posted: August 3, 2011

    My heart goes out to all involved.

    Concerning crosswalks in general, has anyone ever crossed a street in a crosswalk in downtown San Luis Obispo? Those crossing walk in a well painted lane, PLUS, there are lights going across the street to alert drivers when the pedestrian has the go ahead to cross. Not a hard thing to do, but I guess in an age of budget cuts, this wouldn’t fly….but a way to protect everyone.

  12. ks says - Posted: August 4, 2011

    I am so sorry for the loss of the victims family and my prayers are with you. I am a very close friend and a family member of Daves and I know firsthand that he is devastated. He would have never wanted to take someones life. I just want to say that the newspaper made him look worse than he was! Dave is a loving husband, a hands on dad to his two young children, and a loyal friend. Anyone who knows him would agree. From the comments I have read it sounds like Joan has the same great qualities. It is an unfortunate accident and my prayers go out to both families.

  13. Maggie says - Posted: August 8, 2011

    I am happy to hear that Dave is a great person too. I did not want to believe that he was a DUI offender multiple times over. I have no idea what that street was like when this happened, all I know is there are a lot of lives that are ruined. These things happen every day. It is just so sad. I will pray for his wife and children too.

  14. LC says - Posted: August 8, 2011

    The families of the wedding that David attended and participated in are devastated for the loss of life and for the lasting effects it will have on all the families.

    David is greatly loved by us as Joan was by her family and friends, our hearts are broken for all involved.
    I am not familiar with the area except for the week spent prior to the wedding.

    The area wants the tourist money for weddings, parties and gambling but does not have the money to protect them and put in the proper safety measures?
    What a sad commentary for the South Lake Tahoe area.

    A lot of us commented even before the accident that pedestrians were expected to complete a journey across the roadway in less than 20 seconds before the light turned to “Do Not Cross”.

    Add alcohol to the mix of party encouragement and the lack of safety precautions and you have a recipe for disaster waiting to strike. I for one do not want another family going through the grief Joan’s family must deal with or the sense of helpless and loss and guilt my family has to deal with – my son was the groom in the wedding David attended.

    The families and participants of the wedding that David attended would like to start a fund in Joan’s name for whatever the family feels would honor her most.
    We know that this will never bring back Joan to her family and friends but we do not want her death to go unrecognized as the loss it truly is. Hundreds of lives were affected by this tragedy. I don’t know how to contact the family, when the timing is right if one of you who know them- let them know we would like to do this in memory of Joan, that would be greatly appreciated. State Police have my name and contact info.

    May God Bless all of us affected and heal our hearts in our sorrow and loss.

  15. Maggie says - Posted: August 9, 2011

    Joans family asked that any donations in her memory be made to:

    Calaveras High School Softball/Baseball
    PO Box 607
    San Andreas Ca 95249
    Attention- Jessica

    I am sorry for everyone involved.

  16. LC says - Posted: August 10, 2011

    Many thanks Maggie.

  17. Maggie says - Posted: August 10, 2011

    I only wish I could do more. I will continue to pray for everyone involved.

  18. Kelly Gore says - Posted: August 17, 2011

    I was not blood to Joanie but I have known her most of my life and her son and daughter-in-law are my best friends! If you knew Joanie you always felt like family (: so when I came across this article I felt compelled to comment. “LC” was right, there have been so many people effected by what happened and my hope is that something can be learned from this…No one close to this tragedy will ever be the same. It could have been anyone of us walking across that crosswalk that night…what we all need to realize is that Joanie was not alone she was there with her beautiful teenage granddaughter, daughter-in-law and other friends from our area…anyone of those people could have been a victim as well. It terrifies me when I actually think about how many more lives cold have been changed that night!! As Maggie mentioned Joanie(Grannie)as she was known by her family and close friends was the sweetest lady you would ever have the privilege to meet. She was a combination of many things…sweet, loving, funny and very spunky! If you were in the same room with Joanie you were guaranteed a big hug and smooch on the cheek (: God we miss her! As for the comments made by others in regards to the circumstances of the accident I just say this…I’m not sure how anyone knows the mph the driver was going or his blood alcohol level at the time of the accident since as far as I know even the victims family do not have that information? However what I have been told by those “close to the situation” those who actually witnessed her being hit the witnesses on seen is this…Joanie was NOT at fault!!! She was walking in the cross-walk just steps behind her family and as seen on the street video provided she DID have a green signal to walk. This tragedy has changed many lives forever. “LC” your idea to honor Joanie in some way was a wonderful gesture and appreciated so thank you for that and as you said…may God bless all of us affected and heal our hearts in our sorrow and loss.

  19. JW says - Posted: August 22, 2011

    Bottom line- Joanie is dead and this is a tragedy…she was so nice, so loving. I’m not sure about David, all I can say is that if he blew .09 after he ran from the scene, who knows what he was at the time of the accident. He could have gone home, drank tons of water, eaten alot of food… etc.. I guess all of this in mute since it’s a felony HIT AND RUN!

    We all have to pay for our mistakes, one place or another. I’m sorry for David’s family, they deserved better than his actions for an example- leaving a woman dying after you hit her- no excuse for that!

  20. ko says - Posted: December 2, 2011

    Did anyone witness this accident

  21. KB says - Posted: March 22, 2012

    So sorry for Joan and her family! Does anyone know what prison/jail Dave went to?