S. Tahoe challenging League’s suit regarding General Plan

By Kathryn Reed

Frivolous is basically what South Lake Tahoe is calling the lawsuit filed by the League to Save Lake Tahoe against the city’s General Plan.

cityIn closed session this morning, the City Council agreed to have City Attorney Patrick Enright file a motion to dismiss. That paperwork must be completed by the end of business July 12.

“We argue they don’t have standing to file in federal court,” Enright told Lake Tahoe News on Tuesday during a break in the council meeting.

The League filed the suit in U.S. District Court in Sacramento citing the General Plan violates the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s Compact and Regional Plan.

The city counters that the League cannot claim to be an aggrieved party under the Compact.

In addition to that, the city says because there is no project – the document in question is a planning tool – there is no basis for the suit.

“There is no damage to anyone, including the League,” Enright said.

Once the city files its motion, the League has time to file an opposition motion, with the city given a week then to file a response to that motion.

A hearing has been set for Sept. 12 before Judge Garland Burrell in federal court.