Safari Club joins fight allow bear hunting in Nev.

By Jeff Delong, Reno Gazette-Journal

An international sportsmen’s group is attempting to intervene in a lawsuit filed by critics to block Nevada’s first black bear hunt.

Safari Club International filed a motion to intervene in the suit Monday in district court in Carson City, contending the hunt is “well-reasoned and justified.”

“Obviously, this is the first time Nevada has approved a bear hunt, and we think it was a good decision. We want it to go forward,” said Doug Burdin, a Safari Club attorney.

“This is a unique opportunity to hunt the black bear, and it hasn’t happened in the state before,” Burdin said. “It would be unfortunate if this opportunity got taken away at the last minute.”

If the motion is granted, the move will up the ante in the legal battle over the highly controversial hunt, approved in December 2010 by the Nevada Wildlife Commission despite widespread opposition.

The citizens group filed suit June 7 to block the hunt, set to begin Aug. 20. A hearing on the lawsuit is scheduled Aug. 1 in Carson City.

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