SLTPD moving neighborhood patrol to Sierra Tract

For the two weeks starting June 23, the South Lake Tahoe Police Department deployed officers into the Bijou neighborhood in support of the Residential Neighborhood Traffic Enforcement Program

During that time, 73 traffic related traffic stops were made. Officers wrote 30 citations and 58 written warnings were issued. Two vehicles were impounded — one because the driver had a suspended license. Another driver who had a suspended license because of a prior DUI arrest was stopped and had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.02, which was a violation of his DMV probation.

The South Lake Tahoe Police Department will continue its Residential Neighborhood Traffic Enforcement Program this week in the Sierra Tract neighborhood.

If you would like your street or neighborhood put on the list, call or email Sgt. Shannon Laney at (530) 542.6104 or Provide your name, phone number and a description of the problem in as much detail as possible, and include times of day the problem is most prevalent.