SNC has scholarship money for recent high school grads

The Sierra Nevada College Millennium Plus Scholars Award is a $50,000 scholarship (four years at $12,500) earmarked for the approximately 8,000 2011 graduating high school seniors who will be eligible for the Guinn Millennium Scholarships.

Students are awarded Guinn Millennium Scholarship recipient status upon graduating from a Nevada high school with a 3.25 gpa and completing a rigorous high school curriculum. Students interested in receiving Sierra Nevada College’s Millennium Plus Scholars Award — which supplements the Guinn Millennium Scholarship — must meet the Nevada state scholarship eligibility requirements and apply for the award by Sept. 1.

Students may apply the $1,980 from the state and $12,500 from Sierra Nevada College (both annual amounts) toward tuition.

Contact the Admissions Office at the college with any questions, or to learn more about scholarships and additional financial aid at (775) 831.6223 or