Chautauqua performance in Genoa

Nevada State Parks invites the public to attend a free Chautauqua-style presentation at Mormon Station State Historic Park on Aug. 20 at 10 am.

Doris Dwyer, professor of history at Western Nevada College, will give a portrayal of Sara Royce, one of the few female 49ers on the California Trail, who followed her husband and his dream of riches in California. Learn how Sara’s commitment to a “traditional world” influenced her to open a school and educate the children of Grass Valley.

The outdoor presentation lasts about 45 minutes with time for questions afterward. Visitors are asked to bring lawn chairs and a beverage. Dogs will not be allowed at the presentation.

Mormon Station State Historic Park in Genoa is 20 minutes from South Lake Tahoe, via state Kingsbury Grade and Foothill Road.

For more information, contact the park at (775) 782.2590.