Chemical treatment on invasive plants to start in basin

The U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit will begin a project to eradicate, control, and contain known and future infestations of invasive weeds using chemical treatment.

Work will occur Aug. 8-11.

An environmental assessment released by the Forest Service last year identified 493 known infestations located on National Forest System lands managed by the LTBMU. Noxious weeds reproduce and spread rapidly, displacing native plants. They also reduce the amount and quality of fish and wildlife habitat, increase soil erosion and stream sedimentation, and impair recreational access.

Current project areas include the Tallac Historic Site and parking area, the corner of Al Tahoe and Pioneer Trail, Pope Beach, 64 acres and 64 acres East, Heavenly Mountain Resort and Meyers Landfill.

Invasive weeds found in these areas include Tall Whitetop (Lepidium latifolium), Dalmatian Toadflax (Linaria dalmatica), Yellow toadflax (Linaria vulgaris), and Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense).

Treatments will use herbicides similar to the commercial product Roundup. Crews will apply the product by hand and no spraying will occur. Herbicide application will follow approved Environmental Protection Agency, state, and local direction.

Caution signs will be posted in treatment areas up to 48 hours prior to treatment and caution tape will provide a barrier around each treatment area. Treatment areas are very small, totaling less than 3 acres. Access to treatment sites will be restricted for several hours during and after the application.

For more information, contact Rena Escobedo at (530) 543.2694.