Clarification: Police chief knew nothing about daughter’s ticket

South Lake Tahoe Police Chief Brian Uhler was unaware his adult daughter went to El Dorado County traffic court on an infraction issued from a different agency.

He let Lake Tahoe News know about this on Saturday. His boss, City Manager Tony O’Rourke, knew none of the facts until after chastising Lake Tahoe News for inquiring about the issue.

O’Rourke continued to personally to attack this reporter through a series of emails for her initial question to Uhler: “Can you tell me anything about why your daughter was in court on a speeding ticket?”

Uhler told Lake Tahoe News his daughter wanted to handle this without him knowing about it. It was a basic speeding ticket.

Instead of the city trying to “spin” this into how this police chief does not ask for special treatment for his offspring, O’Rourke made it a story by denying the media public information. That was the story. For a city manager that continues to boast about being transparent, he muddied the waters.

The public has a right to know people with connections are treated the same as someone without – especially when this town has a history of favoritism.

— Kathryn Reed