Complaint against Kings Beach improvement project dismissed

The Federal Highway Administration dismissed a complaint against the Kings Beach Commercial Core Improvement Project.

“The agency’s ruling is important, because it removes a cloud hanging over a project that is vital to the future of Kings Beach,” Supervisor Jennifer Montgomery said in a statement. “We knew the complaint was without merit, and were glad to see the Federal Highway Administration agree with us.”

The project’s goals include improving Lake Tahoe’s clarity by reducing stormwater runoff; providing better, safer pedestrian and bicycle access; and enhancing the character of the community’s business district. The project will revitalize a 1.1-mile section of Highway 28 through the heart of Kings Beach.

Work on the first phase of the project began this summer. The first phase is focused on the installation of traffic circles, speed humps and other neighborhood traffic-calming improvements that the community has supported strongly.

Filed by the California League of United Latin American Citizens, the complaint alleged the project would have a negative impact on the community’s Hispanic residents, particularly those who live in and near the project area.