Items not intended to be flushed clog Tahoe City sewer system

In the past several weeks, Tahoe City Public Utility District has had numerous sewer pumps clogged by “flushable” wipes.

“Flushable” is a catchy phrase and companies use it to market their products, according to TCPUD officials. Officials say the challenge is wipes can’t breakdown and more and more sewer lines and pumps are being clogged with these wipes.

The only things that should be flushed are toilet paper and human waste. All the rest are sewer-stoppers.

"Flushable" wipes are clogging the sewer system. Photo/Provided

"Flushable" wipes are clogging the sewer system. Photo/Provided

The most common sewer-stopper for the TCPUD sewer system are “flushable” wipes because they don’t disintegrate.

Common items that should not be flushed:

“Flushable” wipes

Facial tissue

Paper towels

Cotton swabs and cotton balls

For more information, contact the TCPUD at (530) 583.3796, ext. 21.