Opinion: Another round of McCarthyism
By Stephen D. Foster Jr., Addicting Info
Get ready for another round of McCarthyism. Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Santorum have all signed a pledge to form a commission to investigate the LGBT community if elected President.
This pledge was created by the National Organization For Marriage, and they have a history of extreme views against homosexuals and anyone who votes to extend marriage rights to them.
The pledge reads as follows.
I, [candidate name], pledge to the American people that if elected President, I will:
[…] establish a presidential commission on religious liberty to investigate and document reports of Americans who have been harassed or threatened for exercising key civil rights to organize, to speak, to donate or to vote for marriage and to propose new protections, if needed.
In other words, the extreme right wing is going to persecute homosexuals on a whole new level if they have power after the 2012 Election. Homosexuals and supporters of marriage equality will be intimidated, interrogated, and stripped of their right to speak freely. The religious right wing has been allowed to push their un-American and unconstitutional agenda for far too long. Americans must push back. If we continue to do nothing, we could all be persecuted by this fanatical group.
Enough fear mongering. Which wing is it that launches personal attacks at people whose views aren’t politically correct? It sure as heck isn’t those of us who support our CONSTITUTIONAL rights.
With you on this one doggie.
Instead of a call to “push back” (as if that already doesn’t exist), how about working toward a higher measure of civility from both the left and the right? Especially when there is disagreement.
Freedom of religion implies freedom from religion. Religion has no place in policy that affects others who are not a part of that religion.
Fear mongering eh? I believe they are the ones who sell their policy with a slippery slope argument based on a fear that marriage and then society will be destroyed with acceptance of homosexuals.
Give me a break – how ignorant can liberals be.
The democratic liberals are the party of division and hate…
and ignorance.
Fear mongering
ignorant – did i mention that?
Liberals use hate and lies to divide our country.
Liberalism kills…
Any questions?
CA dead – 40 years of increasing liberalism – it only goes down hill from here.
Bongo, where do you come up with the concept that freedom OF religion IMPLIES freedom FROM religion? So far nobody is forcing any religion on anyone, except for the religion of environmentalism and gaia, being forced on all Americans nowadays.
For that matter, where does the author of the article get the idea that investigation of situations in which CONSERVATIVES’ rights have been infringed translates to investigations of homosexuals?
Bit of a stretch.
What is this opinion piece even doing in our local internet news outlet? Let it go.
Wow, so much for uniting Americans, eh?