Opinion: We are not all going to die from climate change


By Steve Fleischli, Natural Resources Defense Council

The climate is changing. That simple fact really shouldn’t be subject to dispute.

Something else that probably shouldn’t be subject to dispute: We are not all going to die from climate change.

Undoubtedly, some people will die. Those without resources. Those with no place to go. Those without water. Or those with too much water as the seas rise or local floods increase. And there certainly will be misery for many of those that don’t die.

But the simple truth also is that some people will have access to sufficient resources to withstand the changes. Some will be prepared. Some will adapt. Some will move. Some could even flourish in the face of a disproportionate allocation of resources.

So why should you care about climate change? You probably don’t live in Bangladesh or on some tiny island in the Pacific Ocean. You’ve got nothing to worry about, right?


No matter where you live, you will not be immune to climate change. Scientific studies show that nearly every community in the U.S. will be impacted in some way by climate change. As a new report from NRDC highlights, cities like New York, Miami and San Francisco all face serious challenges from sea level rise. Phoenix and communities across the southwest face water shortages. Places like Chicago and St. Louis face more intense storms and floods.

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Comments (10)
  1. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: August 9, 2011

    Here we go again with the climate change BS

  2. Dumbluck says - Posted: August 9, 2011

    Yeah, right, all the world’s scientists (except for a few on Fox’s payroll) are involved in a world-wide cabal to do . . .what? Buy beach property at a cheap price? Sell thermometers ranging up to 120 degrees for a handsome mark-up? The evidence is irefutable but you have to get your head out of the sand (and your ear off of Fox News) to read it.

  3. PubWorksTV says - Posted: August 9, 2011

    America is being conned by liberal media, present company included, the progressive liberal government at all levels and by the liberal education system.

    For Dumbluck to say the evidence is irrefutable is easily identified as foolish with the simple question –

    “what evidence is there that it is man made climate change?” NONE Dig Dong – and you think it is irrefutable.

    Need I say more.

    BTW – Al Gore is not a scientist

    The poor intuitive skills of the 30-40 something yr olds today is a reflection of how LOUSY our public school system has become.

    America is on a death spiral, been on it for years.


    It’s obvious, and it has been warned about for decades and now it is accelerating.

    Hopefully enough people will wake up now and see all the fraud the progressives in government, big business and main-stream media is bringing on us as we destroy ourselves with ignorance.

  4. David says - Posted: August 9, 2011

    You’re so very well-informed pubworks.

    Of course NASA is run by a bunch of liberal conspirators right? And “all the progressives in big business and [msm]?” Ha ha that’s a good one.

  5. Lisa says - Posted: August 9, 2011

    That’s right. You are so much more informed than those who study the subject. Virtually all scientist agree, even those who were skeptical in the early 90’s as there wasn’t enough data yet now say that the evidence is overwhelmingly clear and that we are almost past the point of no return. The weather patterns worldwide are showing EXACTLY what the models predicted and what evidence shows is happening. If your ignorance and in willingness to look at facts wasn’t so harmful to the rest of us, I wouldn’t care. After all, those who refused to believe that the world was round are all long dead, but their descendants are with us today.

  6. satori says - Posted: August 9, 2011

    Allow me to share an anonymous quote from around 1000. A.D: “Against stupidity, the gods themselves, contend in vain”

    Climate change is not a liberal or conservative issue, nor is it of color, but there are obviously those that define their whole life that way. . .

    The only disfavor Al Gore did, by sharing his 30 + years work in climate change, was to end up putting it at the top of a list – so we now have the political spectrum trying to correct it with nuclear power because that “doesn’t emit CO2” – wrong !!. . .

    I am even disappointed with Mr. Fleschi’s article as represenative of the work of the NRDC (they’ve been working with the ski industry for years)as it is still too “man-centric”, in that it does not even consider what else we are doing where and to which species.

    All these fiscal distractions (ala the “Shock Doctrine”) hide the serious issues of our oceans, the state of deforestation, and yes, what we do to ourselves while at the mercy of whatever the pharmaceutical industry wants to sell us – without any due consideration for any better way.

    There are ways to “course-correct”, but only if folks take individual responsibility versus the ‘pablum-feed’ of our current media.

    Instead, look in on the arena of LOHAS – ‘lifestyles of health and sustainability’, now mumbering 70,000,000+

    Money will not do it, only personal choice, as they only want yours, and don’t want to give any of it back to you when it may be useful to secure your family.

    Next time you encounter “Inconvenient Truth”, look for the Upton Sinclair quote – it is by far the most important thing said in that documentary.

  7. satori says - Posted: August 9, 2011

    Allow me to share an anonymous quote from around 1000. A.D: “Against stupidity, the gods themselves, contend in vain”

    Climate change is not a liberal or conservative issue, nor is it of color, but there are obviously those that define their whole life that way. . .

    The only disfavor Al Gore did, by sharing his 30 + years work in climate change, was to end up putting it at the top of a list – so we now have the political spectrum trying to correct it with nuclear power because that “doesn’t emit CO2” – wrong !!. . .

    I am even disappointed with Mr. Fleschi’s article as representative of the work of the NRDC (they’ve been working with the ski industry for years) as it is still too “man-centric”, in that it does not even consider what else we are doing where and to which species.

    All these fiscal distractions (ala the “Shock Doctrine”) hide the serious issues of our oceans, the state of deforestation, and yes, what we do to ourselves while at the mercy of whatever the pharmaceutical industry wants to sell us – without any due consideration for any better way.

    There are ways to “course-correct”, but only if folks take individual responsibility versus the ‘pablum-feed’ of our current media.

    Instead, look in on the arena of LOHAS – ‘lifestyles of health and sustainability’, now mumbering 70,000,000+

    Money will not do it, only personal choice, as they only want yours, and don’t want to give any of it back to you when it may be useful to secure your family.

    Next time you encounter “Inconvenient Truth”, look for the Upton Sinclair quote – it is by far the most important thing said in that documentary.

  8. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: August 9, 2011

    No matter what you think no one reading this paper will be alive to witness what will happen. we all could be correct or all be wrong but we will not witness the end. so it just a matter of opinion at this moment but it will not hurt you to be totally wrong or correct.

  9. dumbfounded says - Posted: August 9, 2011

    Regardless of how you interpret science or what particular cause you choose to support, calling people names like “Ding-dong” or “moron” will convince no one of anything. Calling people out with wild accusations will never trump actual science and recorded observation. Acting as though only you or your group knows the “real” truth is not science. There is no politics in the actual science, only in how mankind can be manipulated with science.

    I have read the article above several times, looking for the part where there is a reference to “man made” but can’t seem to find it. A little less hysteria would be welcome.

  10. Kevin says - Posted: August 10, 2011

    Haha you people crack me up! We dont even know how old this planet is. It is THOUGHT to be 4.55 billion years old Thats BILLION with a B. We dont have even 200 years of accurate temp data. Any of you people know anything about testing and sample rates?? Go stand in line with the rest of the morons. Takes more than big words to make it true.