Placerville voters to have a say in future of redevelopment

By Carlos Alcalá, Sacramento Bee

A small group of Placerville redevelopment opponents qualified a referendum asking the City Council to repeal the town’s redevelopment plan or put the matter to a public vote.

About eight people circulated petitions on behalf of Save Hangtown from Redevelopment and Eminent Domain (SHRED), said Sharlene McCaslin, one of the group’s leaders. They began the effort after the council adopted a plan in May.

“We were forever hopeful that the city would not pass it,” McCaslin said.

The group opposes the potential for eminent domain – despite the plan’s restrictions on its use – and questions its financial benefits.

“The city is spending money we don’t have,” McCaslin said.

The group submitted signatures of a tenth of the city’s registered voters, which were verified by the El Dorado County Elections Department.

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