S. Tahoe refuses to release info about police chief’s daughter’s court case


South Lake Tahoe Police-Fire Chief Brian Uhler’s daughter was in court this week on a traffic charge.

However, the city will not release information about the case to Lake Tahoe News.

Uhler did not respond to inquiries.

City Manger Tony O’Rourke in a series of emails Friday evening concluded the dialog by saying, “If she committed murder it warrants a story. Otherwise it does not rise to public relevance. Let me know what you find out.”

Preceding that comment Lake Tahoe News told O’Rourke that Kristen Uhler’s run-in with the law does not necessarily constitute a news story, but not releasing public information is a violation of the law by the city – and that does necessitate a story being written.

With it being after hours on a Friday, the court records through El Dorado County were not accessible.

— Kathryn Reed


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This article was written by admin


Comments (18)
  1. grannylou says - Posted: August 6, 2011

    Isn’t this a matter of public record?

  2. busy mom says - Posted: August 6, 2011

    This is what bugs me about this website. Ms. Reed jumps
    at the chance to convict youth and innocent people while
    Letting the criminals like Scanio get away with little publicity. Let’s focus on the REAL criminals in this town
    instead of trying to find fault with the common local. The
    only reason this has come about is because this young woman’s dad is the police chief. Anyone else would not be noticed. Don’t harass this woman because of her dad’s profession, instead devote your time trying to protect our
    community by harassing the REAL criminals. I guess we know
    what side of the coin she falls on.

  3. Bob says - Posted: August 6, 2011

    the fifth paragraph says it’s public record. That seems to be the issue; the city is not releasing information. The story isn’t about the woman; it is really about the city denying public infomration to the public. And Ms. Reed just had a story about Scanio. And no criminal deserves harassing like you keep doing. would love to know how this website has convicted the youth and innocent — talk about convicting the innocent

  4. Gus says - Posted: August 6, 2011

    Must have been a slow news day. Nothing of value to repot on, except maybe the three wars our young men and women are dying in, the down grading of the US government’s credit rating by S & P and China, another week of stock market crashes, people giving up on meaningful employment, Obama attending his 37th fundraiser since being elected (Baby Bush attended 4 At this point in his presidency), and hundreds more killed in the middle east. Yeah, I’d say a traffic violation by a local teen ranks right up there on what people want to know these days.

  5. Sandy says - Posted: August 6, 2011

    Have you all forgotten the Daniels-Jinkens duo that would do what it wanted and not allow the media or public access to information. This has nothing to do with a speeding ticket or blown stop sign or whatever the case is; it has to do with not giving PUBLIC information to the public. It probably wouldn’t be a story if the men had cooperated. They made it a story — a public access story. It’s not a story about a traffic incident. That’s the point.

  6. scadmin says - Posted: August 6, 2011

    If someone is a minor and has a traffic case or a criminal violation, in most cases the matter is confidential and not a matter of public record. An exception is made for serious felony cases and instances where the minor is tried in adult court. All public court files on cases being handled locally can be inspected by anyone who comes to the courthouse on Johnson Boulevard.

  7. Sandy says - Posted: August 6, 2011

    She’s over 18.

  8. Parker says - Posted: August 6, 2011

    Exactly Sandy! Are we having a repeat of the previous City & Police Admin? This incident could be extremely minor? But how do you know if the info. is private? If LTN had a story, “Chief’s Daughter Caught Speeding!” that would not be a story at all! The story is that there’s an attempt to keep public info. from the public!

  9. anne B. says - Posted: August 6, 2011

    I agree that it is the information lock down that makes it news worthy but knowing the other party affected by the “incident” I would say that her subsequent actions were worth reporting regardless of who her father is. That being said, perhaps she should be instructed not say things like “my father is the chief of police”.

  10. Jane Doe says - Posted: August 6, 2011

    Harassing an 18 year old for an innocent speeding ticket is immature and ridiculous, Ms. Reed, you need to work on your professionalism.

  11. TahoeKid says - Posted: August 7, 2011

    This is a matter of public record- but its still not a newsworthy.

    If the records are available at the courthouse, and it just happened to be after hours while you were looking for this information, then what is the news story? As a journalism student, I’ve learned that you must try all sources. Just because one source is not working for you, that does not mean you can write a “story” about it. This, Ms. Reed, is poor reporting and unprofessional.

    This is not the first time this has happened. You wrote an article before about a BlueGo board member who did not return your calls though they were out of the office (not 100% certain, but I do believe it was a Friday afternoon once again), and you also said they were “denying” public information.

    I do not agree with your style of reporting and will no longer get my local news from this site, nor will I recommend it to anyone.

  12. 4-mer usmc says - Posted: August 7, 2011

    I realize that Police Chief Brian Uhler is employed by the City of South Lake Tahoe but I don’t believe his daughter is a City employee. That being said, why would the City of South Lake Tahoe Government Center be expected to furnish personal family information regarding Uhler’s daughter? This is not City government business, and I can’t help but wonder how the parent of any other 18-year old would feel if a news reporter contacted them at their place of employment to ask questions about a traffic violation of their own child. I doubt the response would be a good one.

  13. joeschmo says - Posted: August 7, 2011

    Apparently, all my comments are moderated. Especially ones about Scanio.

    Ahhh, censorship is alive and well in Tahoe.

  14. ANONOMOUS says - Posted: August 7, 2011

    I dont know if you have ever read Harry Potter Ms. Reed but if so you are definitely pulling a Rita Skeeter. GOOGLE THAT

  15. admin says - Posted: August 7, 2011

    I read all the books and just saw the last Harry Potter movie, thank you for asking.

    Say what you want, but hiding behind “names” you can’t spell correctly speaks volumes about you.

    And Joeshmo, who also goes by Sean and Amber as well, your comment earlier today was censored for its inflammatory nature. I sent you a personal email stating as much and asked you to resend.

    Have you all read this story:

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  16. Parker says - Posted: August 8, 2011

    If LTN wasn’t given the stiff-arm, this would not be a news story! But LTN was given the stiff-arm, by interestingly not the Chief, but the City Mgr. Thank You LTN, for always trying to uncover the facts!

    A speeding ticket. Welcome to the club! But Mr. City Mgr., please don’t make conclusions as to what information the public, those paying your salary, are entitled to know!!

  17. joeschmo says - Posted: August 8, 2011

    Ms. Reed,

    Personal attacks against your readers, YOUR FAN BASE is very unprofessional.

    Exposing me is also unprofessional.

    Infalmatory? You mean FACTS. As a journalist, you either have the ethics to report the facts or you don’t. I have corrected you a number of times regarding your friend Scanio and you have failed to report the facts correctly.

    As we see you will go looking for Police Records about the Chiefs daughter, but wont report on the real criminals in town. You do know those are public records too right? You also have access to those records as well.

    You have created this forum, and yet you censor Free Speech when you decided you don’t like the content. Or you engage in personal attacks.

    Have you even bothered to consider what motivates some people to speak out? Because we live in a community where we are constantly conspiring to cover up illegal activity. And in this case it is NOT LAW ENFORCEMENT who is engaging in the coverup. Try being true to the ideals of being a reporter and less of a confidant to people who are lying to you.

  18. Bob says - Posted: August 8, 2011

    Schmo, Amber, Sean … you must be closer to an Amber since another post you wanted to be starting a moms group. Ms. reed has outed others. It’s about credibility — of which you have none on this site. YOu just spew hatred. LTN published Scanio’s letter, published every time he says boo practically. What more do you want reported that hasn’t been? You act like LTN isn’t reporting anyting. Have you noticed the Tribune took down every story related to Scanio. That would seem like a bigger story. And yes I’m sure Ms. Reed knows how to get court records. Getting them would not indicated favoritism or not. She was going to the sources that could have provided the favoritism. That seems like good journalism. And why do keep think she is friends with the Scanios?