S. Tahoe refuses to release info about police chief’s daughter’s court case

South Lake Tahoe Police-Fire Chief Brian Uhler’s daughter was in court this week on a traffic charge.

However, the city will not release information about the case to Lake Tahoe News.

Uhler did not respond to inquiries.

City Manger Tony O’Rourke in a series of emails Friday evening concluded the dialog by saying, “If she committed murder it warrants a story. Otherwise it does not rise to public relevance. Let me know what you find out.”

Preceding that comment Lake Tahoe News told O’Rourke that Kristen Uhler’s run-in with the law does not necessarily constitute a news story, but not releasing public information is a violation of the law by the city – and that does necessitate a story being written.

With it being after hours on a Friday, the court records through El Dorado County were not accessible.

— Kathryn Reed