Douglas County man in custody on kidnapping, sex assualt charges

A 21-year-old Douglas County man is in custody on kidnapping, attempted sexual assault and other charges.

Jacob Wilcher was arrested Sept. 11 at about noon after fleeing Lifepoint Church in Minden where the alleged crimes occurred.

A teacher at the church was conducting an outdoor class for church youth members when Wilcher reportedly grabbed a 10 year-old boy from the group and ran around the side of the church building.

Jacob Wilcher

Jacob Wilcher

Church officials told officers they found Wilcher on the other side of the building disrobing while still holding onto the scared 10-year-old boy. Church officials grabbed the boy and attempted to detain Wilcher. Wilcher broke free, ran to his vehicle and drove away.

Church officials followed the vehicle. Douglas County deputies located the suspect traveling on Johnson Lane

Deputies said the vehicle Wilcher was driving belongs to his mother, which he had reportedly stolen earlier today.

The youth was not injured, deputies said.

Wilcher was being held on $332,000 bail.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report