Grant allows more lead to be stripped from S. Tahoe homes

By Kathryn Reed

A $2 million grant will allow South Lake Tahoe to continue with its program to remove lead paint from dwellings in the city limits.

South Tahoe was one of five communities this month to be awarded money from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The others are San Francisco, Pomona, Alameda County and Fresno.

The money is expected to arrive in January.

The Reno Avenue house withou lead paint.

The Reno Avenue house without lead paint.

A house on Reno Avenue before the paint overhaul. Photos/Provided

A house on Reno Avenue before the paint overhaul. Photos/Provided

The city received $1.5 million in January 2010. One reason South Tahoe qualifies for the grants is 85 percent of the homes were built before 1980, which means most are likely to have lead in either the exterior or interior paint.

Accomplishments with the first round of money include:

• Nearly $170,000 has been spent on construction with local contractors

• 31 completed projects

• 13 projects in progress

• 141 homes inspected for potential lead paint hazards

• 93 contractors trained in lead safe practices

• 8 contractors completed extensive supervisor training and are now able to bid on these projects.

It is anticipated by Tracy Franklin, who coordinates the program for South Lake Tahoe, that the second round of funding will remediate 126 homes. Renters can also qualify, along with apartments, duplexes and single family residences.

First preference is given to people who have children, and everyone must meet financial criteria.

For more information, go online for call Franklin at (530) 542.6093.