Labor Day fireworks signal the end of summer in Tahoe

While the three-day weekend continues, most of the festivities in the Lake Tahoe Basin are wrapped up.


Fireworks light up the sky Sept. 4 on the South Shore. Photos/Howie Nave

That means instead of the manufactured fun, it’s all about enjoying the beaches, hiking trails, mountain bike routes and golf courses in the area. With temperatures expected to be in the high 70s and low 80s all week, it’s still summer inĀ  Tahoe. But with overnight lows dipping into the 30s, the feel of fall is definitely in the air.

Once again the Tahoe Queen won the annual paddle-wheel race over the M.S. Dixie II. In years past when the two boats were not owned by the same company — Aramark — there was a bit more rivalry. Pirate boats have been spotted in the past trying to mess with the competition. ThisĀ  is the 19th year the boats have raced on the South Shore

The fireworks on Sunday night, while not quite as long as the Fourth of July display, still filled the pitch black night sky with a dramatic works-2works-3display of pyrotechnic magic.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report