Opinion: Barton Foundation fundraiser all about helping the community

To the community,

I would like to thank everyone who attended and supported the Barton Foundation’s Wine Tasting Auction on Aug. 17 at Edgewood Tahoe. We had nearly 100 people join us for this lively event which raised more than $16,000 in support of the Barton Foundation’s Community Health Endowment.

As the executive director of the Barton Foundation, I am always overwhelmed by the generosity of this community and our propensity to give. A fund-raising event is an absolute collaboration from the volunteers who work that night, to the local businesses who donate dinners and goods to our auction, to Edgewood Tahoe who gave us a prime summer date, to my wonderful all-volunteer committee who worked tirelessly to get the right people in the room and the right items in our auctions, it takes a lot of energy to “pull it off”.

The real winner, of course, is our community. The money raised benefits us all – through your support we are able to provide health care to everyone in our community rich or poor; purchase best-in-class equipment, and provide training for our local physicians and nurses on the latest medical advances, therapies and techniques.

Together, we are making a difference.

Kindle Craig, Barton Foundation executive director