Opinion: Tips for how to behave around lightning

Due to thunderstorm activity in recent days and the current weather forecasts for this storm pattern to continue in the Amador-El Dorado Unit of CalFire, Unit Chief Kelly Keenan wanted to remind everyone of some basic lightning safety tips:

— Lightning bolts can strike 10-15 miles from a thunderstorm,

lightning— If you hear thunder, then lightning is close enough to be a real threat, seek shelter indoors,

— Lightning does strike the same place twice,

— If you are caught outside during a thunderstorm, move toward a safe shelter,

— The safest shelter is a building with wiring and plumbing. Sheds, picnic shelters, tents or covered porches do not necessarily protect you from lightning,

— Do not use corded telephones unless absolutely necessary,

— Wait for 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder is heard to resume outside activities,

— This year to date 23 people have died after being struck by lightning. Annually 400 people are struck by lightning in the United States and about 60 people die from their injuries, the rest can face a lifetime of disabilities including pain and neurological disabilities.