Opinion: Vail’s tentacles spreading throughout Tahoe

To the community,

For folks interested in Vail, Heavenly’s parent, as a business organization and employer, I suggest reading the book “Down Hill Slide.”

Vail has a long reach in the ski world and real estate. Presently, Vail is the big toe in the Tahoe basin ski industry controlling Northstar and Heavenly. Also, recently Heavenly bought a vacation home rental business. And Heavenly is spending big money around in the community. Money opens doors and influences decision-making, which isn’t news. Heavenly attempted to get the Sports LTD building out of the hands of the present leaseholder. This time they failed.

Bill Crawford

Bill Crawford

And a large number of us believe Vail has direct access to city government via the city manager’s office because of the city manager’s long association with Vail in Beaver Creek.

So what’s the point? From here it appears the city manager is attempting to grind the city into dust, to a disabled vapor. His mantra is city employees are by and large incapable bureaucrats. His downsizing is crippling public services. He is making sure of that.

So where does this lead? The city will be at the mercy of the private powers that be. They’ll be fiddling and calling the tunes. The citizens at the ballot box will be the losers, if they’re not already.

The name of the game isn’t democracy, by plutocracy.

Thus, the down hill slide is on a slippery slope. And we’re already in the hole.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe