Report rips how SLTFD functions, says keep station 2


By Kathryn Reed

South Lake Tahoe is not closing a fire station, even though the prospect of doing so has been discussed for several months. However, other changes besides personnel are in the works.

sltfd“The biggest risk is inadequate code education and enforcement. We need to be more diligent,” City Manager Tony O’Rourke said of his assessment of a study done on the city’s fire department.

ERASE Enterprises out of Texas has given the city a 27-page report based on its analysis of the operations of the South Lake Tahoe Fire Department. The report paints a picture of inefficiency, poor recordkeeping, shoddy supervision, a lack of emphasis on fire prevention, reserves being underutilized, and a need to review contracts for mutual aid, including the ambulance service.

The report has been disseminated to fire staff, with their comments on it expected to Chief Brian Uhler by the end of the week.

By Sept. 19, Uhler expects to have an action plan to deliver to O’Rourke.

“We know we are keeping station 2 up and running,” Uhler told Lake Tahoe News.

O’Rourke originally contracted with the firm to assess the operation of the station near South Tahoe Middle School. Part of the reason had to do with the number of calls the station responds to and part is the age of the building. The cost of the study was about $12,000, which came out of the fire department’s budget.

It was two years ago that then Fire Chief Lorenzo Gigliotti was looking at relocating station 2, as compared to the latest talk of doing away with the station. Right now the status quo will remain in regards to station facilities. However, the report says the city should, “Evaluate the ability to modify Fire Station #1 to accept Truck 2 or the construction of a new station at Al Tahoe Boulevard and Pioneer Trail with the sale of the property at Fire Stations #2 & #3.”

Expect to see current Chief Uhler at more fires. That is another recommendation of the report – a chief of this size department that had just seven structure fires in 2010 should have the top guy at them. This was not the case.

“In fact, per the Unit Logs maintained by the dispatch center the Fire Chief only responded to 3 of the 42 actual fire related incidents in the City. In each case he did not respond with the initial response of emergency personnel,” the report says. “His responses for the three incidents were 33 minutes, 50 minutes, and 1 hour and 26 minutes after the initial alarm. In a department of this size, the Fire Chief must be part of the initial response to all structure fires and specialized hazard incidents.”

Dealing with people

“We have addressed some of issues like structural changes,” O’Rourke said in regards hierarchy in the department.

For the time being Uhler has added fire chief to his police chief duties. That is expected to last about a year.

Though it won’t be a done deal until the council approves the budget this month (it could happen Thursday night), the working document does not have the three division chiefs on the payroll.

O’Rourke has previously said some of the nine captains will be given more responsibility.

However, some of these men are the ones who insiders said helped get themselves a 2 percent raise starting Oct. 1 by being the only employee group to reach a deal with the city, while at the same selling out their bosses – the division chiefs.

“It came down to a simple issue – close the station or reduce the administration,” Uhler said.

Uhler said the city’s priority should be keeping the stations open with actual firefighters and paramedics on staff to reach the emergency.

If the division chiefs are let go, this means the fire marshal position is vacant. Policy had it that Lake Valley and South Tahoe’s fire marshals filled in for each other. Lake Valley has a newbie at that position with the promotion of Gareth Harris to fire chief.

Uhler would not speak to how the fire marshal role will be handled in the future until a decision regarding the division chiefs has been made.

He did say, “We will promote some people into shift commander jobs.”

City looks like a firetrap

“Of serious concern was that the area visually observed as the most dangerous part of the community regarding unsafe fire conditions was exactly where most of the structure fires occurred per the data analysis! When you can drive around and via a ‘windshield inspection’ predict where the structure fires will be you have an obvious lack of code enforcement,” the report states.

It is the fire marshal and building inspector who are responsible for those types of code enforcement.

The report suggests creating an anti-arson program, and to look at state and federal funds to deal with blighted areas.

“During the initial data review, the site visit, and subsequent review of department records many other issues came to light which all impact the efficiency and effectiveness of the fire protection system for the city,” the report says.

This is why the scope of the analysis grew beyond looking at if the city could do without station 2.

In all, 25 recommendations were brought forward. Uhler said some will be implemented, others won’t. Until he gets feedback from the fire staff, he would not elaborate beyond what he had already said.

However, more complete reports are bound to be on the to-do list.

“To be able to rely on data to make critical management decisions the reports that the data is extracted from must be both valid and reliable. To achieve these two measures the reports must be completely filled out with valid data and the reporting methodology must be consistent and accurate, thereby being reliable. In our review we found reports that listed content damage but no property value, property loss with no property value listed, content loss without content value and so forth,” the consults says in the report. “Other reports had no physical address shown (even for a wildfire a geographical address needs to be entered to complete the report) and on others we found numerous fires occurring at the same location but with different identifiers used to describe the same location. The lack of complete and accurate reports is an issue that comes from both training and a lack of supervision.”

The report also wants the city’s money people to be more engaged.

Two recommendations are, “Re-evaluate all contracts for outside services with the City Finance Department reviewing actual costs for services versus fee structures in the contracts to ensure a positive cash flow outcome.

“[And] (e)valuate permit fees and stand by fees for the fire department to ensure that fee structure represents costs for the services.”


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (30)
  1. Concerned says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    This is bad. As fire departments go they provide poor service. This is all a reflection of thinking they are “big city.” Time to clean house and turn over reigns to Lake Valley FD.

  2. geeper says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    Selling out their bosses, the division chief’s? These guys eat their own!

  3. Bob says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    That’s right. Sell the property at fire station 2 and 3 at the bottom of the market. The report writers obviously didn’t take into account our wild real estate price swings. Has anyone seen where Uhler hangs out during calls? Maybe one of his Capt’s could step forward and take his place since he’s not around. There’s 2-3 city employee jobs which could be saved right there.

  4. Another X Local says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    The SLTFD has had many of these problems for years. It was a waste to spend $12K with an outsider to point them out. Poor or no leadership for years contributed to the problems. Maybe the City should consider turning fire protection over to Cal Fire like so many other broke cities have done.

  5. Steve says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    Eliminate the redundancy and inefficiency, combine Lake Valley and SLTFD. All the overlapping bureaucrats and separate overhead are not necessary.

  6. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    It might be time to look at new options. The tax payer deserves better.

  7. Tired of Fire says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    Why doesn’t the City Manager just out source the whole Fire Department out to Lake Valley. Maybe they can clean house and fix some of the problems. They have been the most poorly managed Fire Department around the Lake. As for promoting anyone from SLTFD, shop around there’s plenty of highly trained firefighters out there looking for work. There isn’t anybody that works for SLTFD that has enough education or experience to manage anything. O’Rourke get a clue and dump the whole Fire Department !

  8. ME says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    It was a waste to spend $12K with an outsider (Texas) to point this out. Where is the new chief from.

  9. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    Ride it out at the old station, until things get better. Then if still deemed necessary, look at the old post office site at Black Bart & Pioneer Trail. It’s already got infrastructure on it, and would give better coverage of the area, as we already have a station on Pioneer Trail at Ski Run Blvd.

  10. commenter says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    @Careaboutthecommunity: nice thought, but the corner of BB and Pioneer is in the county, outside city limits.

  11. Skibum says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    Can’t use that site on Black Bart, it has no bathroom

  12. 40 year Resident says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    Why would Lake Valley want anything to do with this sinking boat.

  13. Dan Sullivan says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    I am Dan Sullivan, President of the South Lake Tahoe Firefighters Association (SLTFA). I represent all Captains, Engineers, Firefighter/Paramedics, and Firefighters within the SLTFD. I would like to take this opportunity to address some concerns listed here today. The line personnel of the SLTFD are a group of very dedicated and professional people who I have the honor of serving our community with. I do not represent fire management/supervisors and have no say in their contract. The line personnel of the SLTFD have always, and will continue to respond when called upon to do so. I cannot comment on ongoing negotiations the SLTFA and the city have entered into, but can assure everyone that we are meeting in good faith with our priority being to keep our current level of service intact. The SLTFA will continue to give the highest level of service to this community. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me and I will help where I can. Dan Sullivan 542-6163.

  14. Local Yokle says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    A 2% raise!? In this economy? Who agreed to this and why are they still employed?

    $12,000 for a study and then taking NO actions on the results of the study… shouldn’t a manager take some sort of action?

    Normally I would try and speak reason and run the middle of the road but this time I am simply astonished and what has been described. The City Manager should be removed along with those given raises. Further, what retirement are we paying to Fire Management/Supervisors for this Tom Foolery? Who is negotiating these sweetheart deals?

    Consolidate these two fire agencies! At least try and pretend to be efficient with tax payers dollars!

    My Two Cents
    -Local Yokle

  15. Bob says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    Mr. Sullivan – if you’re smart you’ll tell your comrades not to accept that 2% raise offer. You’re going to have a riot on your hands Thursday if that comes to pass. We’re all hard working citizens and to lay off 26 people but give a raise out to anyone for that matter – well that’s just plain dirty politics. So don’t give us that dedicated BS.

  16. the conservation robot says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t 2% on par with cost of living increases? Did they get one last year?

  17. Bob says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    C’mon CR. What a lame excuse for a raise – first to the bargaining table. The fire dept has a job to do like anyone else. Store clerks and truck drivers have just as dangerous a job. To give out a raise at the time of 26 job losses is plain tasteless. O’Rourke just lost my support and who knows how many more with this classless move. If the FD wants to gain some support in this town they would vote to pass up on this offer at Thursdays pow-wow.

  18. Skibum says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    Wait until you get wind of the raises on tap for STPUD above and beyond the 15% they have gotten in the last three years. At least the FD is willing to negotiate. Of course I never read about any reports on the PUD as they have managed to keep everything away from the news sites.

  19. Jack says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    Why do you spread lies, Bum? Do that in your column instead of mucking up LTN. Salaries for public employees in CA are online … STPUD … It’s all public info. No one is keeping anything from anyone. LTN wrote this about the budget that just started:
    “The budget contains no increases for salaries or benefits. However, the district’s CalPERS rate is increasing 2.43 percent. It will be shared equally between the district and employees.” We know you can’t write, but now you are showing you can’t read. And based on how many hours I hear you spend at STPUD’s offices asking questions, apparently you can’t comprehend information either.

  20. Gen5020 says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    With all due respect to Mr. Sullivan and his public service, we must remember that the city is going bankrupt defending tradition rather than necessity. There is no other industry, including other branches of public safety that we pay to sleep, eat and live in their duty station. If you call the police at 2 in the morning, an on-duty officer(s) responds to your call. If you take your family member to the emergency room, you are seen by the on-duty staff. The police don’t wake up, get dressed, pause Backdraft on the VCR and then respond to your call. The response time and availability would actually be quicker if the fire department worked normal shifts like every other job on earth. We are paying to house and feed them and let them sleep on duty – all because of tradition – we’ve always done it that way… Do not believe for one minute that it is in any way necessary.

  21. the conservation robot says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    So 2% is on par with the standard COLA, which exists to maintain the value of a salary…

  22. Tahoe Freedom Fighter says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    You may make a few mistakes in the figures but you are generally right on track with your ideas. You spend a huge amount of time trying to make our community better.

  23. Parker says - Posted: September 13, 2011

    Any raise, at this time, is simply a joke! There will be an attempt to justify it. “Oh, but look how much top City Mgt. received!” or “Look what the FD in the City of ‘XYZ’ received!” or “It’s just a long-promised raise when we’ve made so many sacrifices already!”

    Whatever the justification, if there’s any increase in compensation, don’t come back to the taxpayer with-“We have to raise taxes (or fees) if we’re going to maintain vital City services!” The shamelessness of such an act would illustrate that our City Govt. does not work on behalf of the majority of its citizens!!

  24. Bob says - Posted: September 14, 2011

    Call or email all 5 council members today to tell them to vote NO on this 2% adj on Thursday.

  25. Skibum says - Posted: September 14, 2011

    Thanks Jack for your informitive blog. The apology of sorts that was written in another article was directly written and sent by the CFO of the district. I did not write that. I had hoped that there would be no confusion that the district misinformed the public but apparently there is. Unfortunatly as this is not my blog site, I cannot drop dime on who you are when attacked, only sit back and enjoy your humerous, informationless posts. I do appreciate them and will endeavor to always print correct information. Thanks.

  26. Kitten says - Posted: September 14, 2011

    Thank you Kenny

  27. admin says - Posted: September 14, 2011


    Can you start backing up your “facts” with proof, please? I ask this because STPUD employees have received a combined raise of 4.1 percent for fiscal years 2009-10, 2010-11, and 2011-12. This fiscal year started July 1. You stated otherwise. You also made reference to STPUD employees getting a future raise. While it is true the contract is up June 30, 2012, negotiations have not started. Per usual procedure a salary survey will be done. This will be about the first of the year. Negotiations usually start in the spring.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  28. Fire support says - Posted: September 19, 2011

    What Kae Reed failed to report was that the 2% raise was given….along with a 9% reduction in pay. So I guess you could call it a negative 7% raise! Those shameless firemen….. Get your facts straight before you start slinging mud. Oh and they gave up the last two raises that were previously negotiated in 2006 for the ’09 and ’10 fiscal year. Oops. Those totaled 5%. Sooooo They have given back 14% in the last 3 years for the benefit of being beaten up in the press over 2%.

  29. Skibum says - Posted: September 19, 2011

    Fire, that is so true. Our Police and Fire employees have tried to give back to the community while others have not. Of course they have to if they want to keep their jobs but they are willing to work it out. The main problem is retirment benefits and the abuse by retired workers “spiking” their pay in the last year. The City will have to go bankrupt in order to correct this if the retired workers are not. The solution is right in front of us and the council but they / we are not willing to attack the sacred cow. I am talking about taxing Heavenly ticket sales and also charging more for our emergency calls to Heavenly Vailly. 85% of the calss for medical are to HV. 3 out of 5 main arterial roads that have been redone go to HV. We need to annex them into the city but are afraid to talk about it. We have on the council right now two members who were part of the deals at the Marriot and they can fix the sweetheart deal HV got when it was ASC. It just takes a set. Also the over 550 VRBO rentals that are in South Shore. The council has the means to correct this and prevent layoffs but seem afraid.