Restoration work, fair part of Truckee River Day
The 16th annual Truckee River Day is Oct.16.
Volunteers will have their choice of half or full day restoration projects with different levels of difficulty. There will be 13 projects including revegetation for further restoration at Perazzo Meadows, plantings to restore the former Town Corporation Yard, and surveying for fish habitat in the Little Truckee River.
A celebration at the River Fair will follow the projects. The River Fair 1-4pm at Granite Flat Campground and will include food, live entertainment, environmental activities for kids and adults, and the annual fish release at 3pm.
Everyone is invited to the fair even if you’re not participating in restoration projects.
To participate in this year’s festivities, go online or call (530) 550.8760. The deadline for registration is Oct. 7.