Should one owl be killed to save another?


By Francesca Lyman, Sacramento Bee

It’s a warm sunny day in early August and wildlife biologist Eric Forsman heads up to the Willamette National Forest in Oregon’s Cascades mountains to climb trees. In this land of 200-foot Douglas firs, Forsman will hoist himself up in a harness to check the nests of red tree-voles, a staple of the northern spotted owl’s diet.

From the large tree cavities where spotted owls nest to the decaying logs where they hunt for prey, these birds depend on the lush, old-growth forests of the Pacific Northwest. They are among dozens of species in these ancient forests threatened with extinction, mostly as a result of habitat loss.

But Forsman and his crew of wildlife researchers are reckoning with another threat to the spotted owl: A rival bird getting a critical claw-hold in nesting areas. The barred owl, a larger, brasher, faster-breeding transplant from the East Coast, has invaded the spotted owl’s territory, which ranges from Northern California to Washington.

“If you asked me 30 or 40 years ago, I’d tell you that if we just did a good job of protecting old-growth forests, spotted owls would do just fine,” Forsman says.

Neglected for years, the northern spotted owl was listed as a threatened species in 1990, after decades of clear-cut logging reduced 90 percent of its old-growth habitat. A landmark 1991 federal ruling forced cutbacks of timber harvests, and the charismatic spotted owl became an icon in a bitter fight between the logging industry and environmentalists.

Lumber mills closed, and thousands of loggers lost jobs in the timber wars, as the Northwest Forest Plan cut harvests on federal lands by 80 percent.

Just as the northern spotted owl seemed spared, it has faced competition from the barred owl, its closely-related cousin. As spotted owl populations have plummeted – by up to 50 percent in Washington in the last 15 years – the number of barred owls has boomed. In some places, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, barred owls may have doubled and tripled within 30 years or less.

“The barred owl is throwing a huge monkey wrench into everything – our research and our management of the forests,” Forsman says.

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Comments (7)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: September 25, 2011

    The people who worship at the altar of evolution seem to be scared to death of it happening now.

  2. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: September 25, 2011

    Darwin rules.

  3. the conservation robot says - Posted: September 25, 2011

    No one worships evolution. Evolution, and science in general, encourages (requires) people to ask big questions.
    Something that your religion does not do.

  4. the conservation robot says - Posted: September 25, 2011

    Have you ever noticed that people who don’t believe in evolution seem a little less….

  5. dogwoman says - Posted: September 25, 2011

    Nobody “doesn’t believe in evolution.” We see it around us all the time. A lot of people just don’t believe that humans evolved from apes, and truly, there is no proof.
    As for being “less evolved”, well, if by that you mean that we stand up for what we believe rather than being swept whichever way the tide flows, I suppose that’s true.

  6. the conservation robot says - Posted: September 25, 2011

    Actually there is. DNA, vestigial organs, etc. Let me get this straight. So every other form of life ever evolved from something else. And we have the exact same chemistry and forces working on us….
    yet we didn’t evolve from something else?
    Next you are going to tell me that the granite up in the sierra is only tens of thousands of years old.
    Whichever way the tide flows…. there is no tide when the science continues to move in the direction of evolution by natural selection.
    Morons deny evolution.

  7. dogwoman says - Posted: September 25, 2011

    I did not deny evolution. I deny that human beings evolved from apes.
    And you need to stop calling people who disagree with you morons. You only belittle yourself.