Snippets about Lake Tahoe

ltcc• A team of accreditation officials will be roaming around Lake Tahoe Community College in October. The college first had to do a self-study. This is something the college goes through every six years.

• Professor Katie Zanto of Sierra Nevada College in Incline Village won the 2011 Outdoor Hero award for her work founding the Adventure Risk Challenge Program.

Walk the Block is a program by Barton Health with the two K-12 South Shore school districts encouraging fitness. This is part of the larger We Can! Program.

• James Pirtle, 1975 Douglas High grad, is an attorney in Seattle who has set up a blog to help with the defense of a war criminal in Uganda.

• Sierra is the name of long-grain basmati rice that is trying to challenge the markets of India and Pakistan. However, the name does not reflect where it’s grown. It’s from Beaumont, Texas.