Lukins Bros. customers’ water pressure restored


Updated 9:50am Sept. 4

Water pressure has been restored to all Lukins Brothers Water Company customers, according to Danny Lukins. This is because the tie between his company and South Tahoe Public Utility District has been opened.

“We will pull the pump to see what happened,” he said in regards to finding a more permanent solution to the problem.


About 200 Lukins Brothers Water Company customers are not able to take a shower, run their dishwasher or do laundry because their water pressure has been drastically reduced since Saturday morning.

lukinsDanny Lukins, owner of the company, told Lake Tahoe News he was notified of the problem at 7:45am Sunday.

However, a customer in St. Francis Woods condos on Emerald Bay Road told Lake Tahoe News she has been contending with the water issue since late Saturday morning.

Lukins said the problem is the South Shore company lost its No. 1 pump station.

“I don’t know if it was an electrical surge. It ran for a minute this morning and then quit running,” Lukins said Sept. 4.

The pump is new; having been installed in June.

Besides having electricians come out to resolve the problem, Lukins is working with South Tahoe Public Utility District to have the valve that links the two systems be turned on. This could happen by 11 this morning. That would mean restoring full pressure for the customers along Emerald Bay Road.

— Kathryn Reed


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Comments (8)
  1. Skibum says - Posted: September 4, 2011

    Wonder when STPUD is going to have to buy Lukins and how much is going to be passed onto us.

  2. lou pierini says - Posted: September 4, 2011

    Free water for Lukins from STPUD, and they never paid a conection fee for access to that free water. A BK company looking for a bailout.

  3. Skibum says - Posted: September 4, 2011

    With the loss of some upper management through either retirement or replacement and a changing of a single board member this will be addressed, buying Lukins, once again after Nov. The upcoming release of the unscheduled audit from Grant Thornton which paints STPUD and their accounting practices in a not so pretty light will be interesting as STPUD is about to lose their spokesperson. Where will we get our misinformation now? They refuse to write a response on their last misinformation article.

  4. lou pierini says - Posted: September 4, 2011

    Buy Lukins? it is not worth anything.

  5. Skibum says - Posted: September 4, 2011

    True, but right now the (some) board members are trying to figure out a way to get grant money to purchase Lukins so the money can be diverted to other projects as well as “other expense’s” as the public, maybe, won’t allow any more rate increases. There are going to be some major changes in the way STPUD will run their facility in the near future as Grant money is gone, a not so flattering Grant Thornton audit report due soon and some upper management retiring, selling their houses and leaving the hill.

  6. Lynne Bajuk says - Posted: September 5, 2011

    I’ve lived with Lukins since 1983..pressure varies. Sometimes it takes 25 minutes or more for my 2nd floor toilet to fill..Now, we are going to pay for a $2,000,000 improvement!! When I owned a business, if I had to replace, fix, I paid for it.. not my customers!!

  7. dogwoman says - Posted: September 5, 2011

    Lynne, they can get away with that when they’ve got a monopoly on your water. Can’t exactly hire somebody else to do the job, can we?

  8. Tahoe Freedom Fighter says - Posted: September 6, 2011

    The cost to bring the Lukins system up to current standards is estimated to be over 20 million. Tell your kids not to count on an inheritance, as their are only 940 ratepayers to split the cost.