Washoe Meadow State Park EIR up for certification

Certification of the environmental impact report that will alter Lake Tahoe Golf Course and Washoe Meadow State Park in Meyers is scheduled for Oct. 21 at 9am.

The public meeting is at the golf course at 2500 Emerald Bay Road.

The main issue is restoration of the Upper Truckee River. In order to do the work desired by landowners and environmentalists, some of the land from the state park and Lake Valley State Recreation Area (where the golf course sits) needs to be swapped. The theory is restoring each section of the river to its natural meander will reduce fine sediment from reaching Lake Tahoe.

The Upper Truckee River is the main tributary into Lake Tahoe.

The public will have a chance to comment at the meeting.

The EIR is available for review at the Sugar Pine Point State Park in Tahoma, the State Parks office in Sacrament and at the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency office in Stateline. It is also online.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report