Heavenly Vally Ski Resort should give 50 cents on every ticket sold to the City of South Lake Tahoe for roads and Snow Removal and Fire protection.
David Kurtzman says - Posted: September 28, 2011
A new lift at Heavenly from the bottom of the Sky lift to the top of the Gondola.
lou pierini says - Posted: September 28, 2011
A 1.5% city and county tax on lift tickets would solve the cities budget problems.
Carolyn Wright says - Posted: September 28, 2011
Overnight to season-long ski and boot storage and a tune shop at the top of the Gondola at Heavenly.
Jeffy says - Posted: September 28, 2011
A world-class, or just about any-class, mountain bike park at the Heave.
Not to add too much here, but I notice some have suggested scraping a little off the top of Heavenly’s winter profits, but it would seem that a stronger summer economy that includes the kind of diversification of our base and the growth of outdoor recreation options in line with the Tahoe Basin Prosperity Plan could bring longer-lasting benefits than a “tax” on skiing.
Miss Frugal says - Posted: September 28, 2011
The Gondola to Sky chair lift would change everything at Heavenly! No more being “stuck” on one side of the mountain, having to take a bus back to your car, or trying to hike out if this lift could handle higher winds.
Chuck Halladay says - Posted: September 28, 2011
“…Heavenly ski resort is one of the most unique snowsports destinations on the planet.” Or so says their website.
Unique in that it doesn’t have a Half Pipe?
Doesn’t Shaun White have one of his own?
Maybe he stole Heavenly’s?
Dan Murray says - Posted: September 28, 2011
Every year I wind up taking a Heavenly survey. Every year I say the same thing, “food prices are like being at Disneyland.”
I won’t eat there, but object watching little kids on those cold days getting ripped for $3.50 plus tax for a hot chocolate. Can’t the small kids (at least) get a break, say $1.50 (plus tax)? They have the rest of their lives to experience getting gouged.
More open back country with the steeper bowls open for powder snorkeling ,Kirk-wood.
Forget the tourists and all the crap shops,Keep the chairs moving in the blizzards, so we can watch our tracks disappear.
Gayle Harlow says - Posted: September 28, 2011
A high speed lift from Boulder Lodge
Mushroom Hunter says - Posted: September 29, 2011
I suffered an injury Oct. 2010 that kept me off the slopes of Heavenly the entire season. When I requested an extension so I could use my pass this year I was denied. (The ticket, purchased as a gift, didn’t include the extra $20 fee for refund). As a 22-year local I was devistated and hope they will reconsider this policy.
I miss the slopes tremendously. ;(
Skibum says - Posted: September 29, 2011
Lou, I have brought up that very idea about the tax several times at the council meetings with the council member(s) who signed that deal in 99 and the response is always surprise. I have also met with Blaise, when he was still here, and talked with him and was called an ***** for stirring up sentiment against their sweetheart deal. Unless the council grows a pair it will never happen.
mushroom, I had a similar experience in 1991 as I was called to Desert Storm in Jan and wanted to get credit for the rest of the year and was asked “have you gotten at least 10 days in?” Well of course I did and was told “then your pass is paid for” A lawyer had to intervene and I got credit but it was frustrating.
Steven says - Posted: September 29, 2011
I would like to see a huge revegetation project to cover up that ugly scar called “the face/ east bowl” .
Tahoe Taxpayer says - Posted: September 29, 2011
A locals deal on passes at Heavenly.
Kirkwood needs to pay better attention to their bathrooms and put the baskets back in so you have somewhere to set your goggles, hat and gloves.
More reasonably priced food and drinks.
Places to get a nice sitdown breakfast while you wait for snowsafety.
More Ski Patrol support so they can open the backside at Kirkwood on big powder days.
TahoeCalm says - Posted: September 29, 2011
A local’s pass that is good at Sierra and Heavenly, especially for LTUSD and LTCC students.
gen5020 says - Posted: September 29, 2011
Beer and food that isn’t priced in the stratosphere for mom and dad. Reasonable or discount pricing for students in area schools.
Skibum says - Posted: September 29, 2011
Wait until you start going up the lifts at our local resort next year. At the end of last season HV security started a new program that they were testing in the last week of the season, no alcohol of any kind on the mountain. They were and will check all backpacks, large purses and large pockets for alcohol and will not allow it on the lift. Now the US Foestry service owns the land and alcohol is allowed but you have to access the mountain through HV’s lift. Kinda like attending a sporting event or concert in that they have the right to check you before entering. Before anyone starts crying about “facts” I was there as were several others who experienced this first hand.
A Tri Locals Pass would be nice: Heavenly, Sierra At Tahoe and Kirkwood.
dogwoman says - Posted: September 29, 2011
Thanks for the warning. I usually have a flask of Jaeger in my hip pocket. I’ll be more careful.
the conservation robot says - Posted: September 29, 2011
i am sure a camel back can be modified to link up to a bag of wine.
To set the record straight — it is large bottles of booze and cases of beer Heavenly (and I am guessing other resorts) do not want their guests bringing on the mountain. A flask is fine; probably even that modified Camelback is OK. It’s because the gondola was smelling like alcohol and beer cans were strewn about that Heavenly started cracking down. Yes, the resort legally has the right to search bags. At least this year it is not going to search every backpack or bag brought onto the mountain. Heavenly’s stance (and I would again guess this is true for all resorts) is to provide a fun experience for everyone and when the minority interfere with the majority, action needs to be taken. Confiscating large quantities of alcohol might be that action to project the rest of us.
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
Skibum says - Posted: September 30, 2011
They were confiscating all forms of alcholic beverages including individule cans but perhaps they will back off a little and only take what you have stated. It is a little ridiculous to take everything but that’s what they were doing last year. I ski there everyday and it won’t affect me but it will others. I think they should be taking cigaretts instead. Time will tell when the snow flies.
Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: October 1, 2011
The community needs to call Heavenly out on the provision in the disposition and development agreement that prohibits the City from charging any new or increased taxes. Is Heavenly a part of the community or not? As a major business and employer, they need to step up, and the City Council needs to somehow find a hook to bring Heavenly back to the negotiations table.
People forget that Heavenly enjoys benefits that no other business does. They operate on federally owned land (that’s land owned by us, the taxpayers) and because that land is defined as agricultural, they also don’t have to pay overtime to their employees.
Come on Heavenly, step up and be part of the much needed solutions for this community!
Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 1, 2011
I would suggest trying to get some vegetation growing on the face at Heavenly. Back many moons ago when old long skiis worked there we tried all kinds of grass seeds that didn’t take hold. I tried squaw mat but it would’nt take root. They need to keep trying to find something to hold that soil in place.
Food prices have been really high for a long time . I understand they need to make a profit but their prices are ridiculos. I think thats why they have started this alcohol policy. Gouge the skier at the lodge for a beer and burger after they confiscate his couple of cans of suds in his back pack.
Old skiis is old school . I think that snow boarders and skiers should have separate runs on the mountain. The two don’t mix. Too many collisions!
I can’t ski any more, which is sad because I grew up on that mountain (bad knees, doncha know), but still have a life time of memories of Heavenly Valley
Old Long Skiis
Skibum says - Posted: October 1, 2011
Old skiis is old school . I think that snow boarders and skiers should have separate runs on the mountain. The two don’t mix. Too many collisions!
Remember when there was a sign prohibiting Snowboarders from entering Ca?
Passion: I started that process by putting it as an agenda item last year at a council meeting so hopefully there would be some action. I have also approached each council member publicly and privatly as well as senior city management to include Blaise (HV) when he was here. All I can say is I am glad I wear a helmut.
T. MICHAEL LEE says - Posted: October 3, 2011
Remember the good old days when heavenly used to let us bring up food and use their BBQ’S ? Can never afford to eat there anymore or much less entertain guests. At the time they said they discontinued because of health dept regulations. Sure did create an great atmosphere. East peak social club was fun.
Now, we just get a few runs and leave.
Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 3, 2011
I didn’t know they no longer let you use their BBQ’S. That was always a blast, especialy at the end of the season, what a party!
Back when old long skiis was little long skiis Heavenly had 3 chairlifts and a rope tow.You could get a hot pirogi from a little hut that was at the bottom of Patsies run. I think they cost 25 cents.
Does Heavely still have a learn to ski program with the local elementry schools? It used to be very affordable and got kids skiing early in life. Definetly a positive thing for any kid.
Old Long Skiis
Skibum says - Posted: October 3, 2011
Is this the same Mike Lee that used to have a cooler that you dragged up there full of sauce and meat and left chained to a tree?
T. MICHAEL LEE says - Posted: October 3, 2011
No, you are misinformed. Same mike lee, wrong story kenny.
Memory is first to go bro…..
Mtn biking would be great summer activity
High speed lift from boulder
heavenly/sierra/kirkwood pass.
rmoss says - Posted: October 3, 2011
All of them should ban snowboarders
tahoe local says - Posted: October 3, 2011
Old Long Skiis, I enjoyed reading your comments. Sorry to hear you can’t ski anymore. Yes, as of last year Heavenly Valley and LTUSD still provided 3 full days of skiing/instruction/equipment to local 5th graders, including St. Theresa’s School. I haven’t heard yet for this year. It is a great partnership that truly benefits the students. I hope they keep it up!
Jim Marino says - Posted: October 3, 2011
Mountain Bike Parks
X LOCAL says - Posted: November 13, 2011
Old Long Skis.
I know you and worked at Heavenly Valley when it first started with Cris Kurisa, George Cannon, Curley Mooso, Rudy Gursick and when Hugh Killibrew was just the Attny. for heavemnly. Have not seen you in several years now and sorry to hear that you no longer ski.
Life was good back in the old day’s !!
X LOCAL says - Posted: November 13, 2011
Old Long Skis.
I know you and worked at Heavenly Valley when it first started with Cris Kurisa, George Cannon, Curley Mooso, Rudy Gursick and when Huge Killibrew was just the Attny. for heavenly. Have not seen you in several years now and sorry to hear that you no longer ski.
Life was good back in the old day’s !!
Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 13, 2011
X Local,
Over the years I got to meet all the original owners of Heavenly Valley. Heck, Curley’s wife even gave me his flyfishing pole after he passed away.
Rudy Gersick owned the Ski Run Center which was right down the street from my family’s motel. Best damn burgers in town at the “Burger Bar”! There was also a slot car track there, Cefalu’s laundromat and Dewey’s liquor store…. all in that little center. We would hang out in the laundromat to keep warm as that also served as our bus stop for Bijou elementry in 1962.
Lot’s of stories, I just hope there not to boring!
Take care, Old Long Skiis
Heavenly Vally Ski Resort should give 50 cents on every ticket sold to the City of South Lake Tahoe for roads and Snow Removal and Fire protection.
A new lift at Heavenly from the bottom of the Sky lift to the top of the Gondola.
A 1.5% city and county tax on lift tickets would solve the cities budget problems.
Overnight to season-long ski and boot storage and a tune shop at the top of the Gondola at Heavenly.
A world-class, or just about any-class, mountain bike park at the Heave.
Not to add too much here, but I notice some have suggested scraping a little off the top of Heavenly’s winter profits, but it would seem that a stronger summer economy that includes the kind of diversification of our base and the growth of outdoor recreation options in line with the Tahoe Basin Prosperity Plan could bring longer-lasting benefits than a “tax” on skiing.
The Gondola to Sky chair lift would change everything at Heavenly! No more being “stuck” on one side of the mountain, having to take a bus back to your car, or trying to hike out if this lift could handle higher winds.
“…Heavenly ski resort is one of the most unique snowsports destinations on the planet.” Or so says their website.
Unique in that it doesn’t have a Half Pipe?
Doesn’t Shaun White have one of his own?
Maybe he stole Heavenly’s?
Every year I wind up taking a Heavenly survey. Every year I say the same thing, “food prices are like being at Disneyland.”
I won’t eat there, but object watching little kids on those cold days getting ripped for $3.50 plus tax for a hot chocolate. Can’t the small kids (at least) get a break, say $1.50 (plus tax)? They have the rest of their lives to experience getting gouged.
More open back country with the steeper bowls open for powder snorkeling ,Kirk-wood.
Forget the tourists and all the crap shops,Keep the chairs moving in the blizzards, so we can watch our tracks disappear.
A high speed lift from Boulder Lodge
I suffered an injury Oct. 2010 that kept me off the slopes of Heavenly the entire season. When I requested an extension so I could use my pass this year I was denied. (The ticket, purchased as a gift, didn’t include the extra $20 fee for refund). As a 22-year local I was devistated and hope they will reconsider this policy.
I miss the slopes tremendously. ;(
Lou, I have brought up that very idea about the tax several times at the council meetings with the council member(s) who signed that deal in 99 and the response is always surprise. I have also met with Blaise, when he was still here, and talked with him and was called an ***** for stirring up sentiment against their sweetheart deal. Unless the council grows a pair it will never happen.
mushroom, I had a similar experience in 1991 as I was called to Desert Storm in Jan and wanted to get credit for the rest of the year and was asked “have you gotten at least 10 days in?” Well of course I did and was told “then your pass is paid for” A lawyer had to intervene and I got credit but it was frustrating.
I would like to see a huge revegetation project to cover up that ugly scar called “the face/ east bowl” .
A locals deal on passes at Heavenly.
Kirkwood needs to pay better attention to their bathrooms and put the baskets back in so you have somewhere to set your goggles, hat and gloves.
More reasonably priced food and drinks.
Places to get a nice sitdown breakfast while you wait for snowsafety.
More Ski Patrol support so they can open the backside at Kirkwood on big powder days.
A local’s pass that is good at Sierra and Heavenly, especially for LTUSD and LTCC students.
Beer and food that isn’t priced in the stratosphere for mom and dad. Reasonable or discount pricing for students in area schools.
Wait until you start going up the lifts at our local resort next year. At the end of last season HV security started a new program that they were testing in the last week of the season, no alcohol of any kind on the mountain. They were and will check all backpacks, large purses and large pockets for alcohol and will not allow it on the lift. Now the US Foestry service owns the land and alcohol is allowed but you have to access the mountain through HV’s lift. Kinda like attending a sporting event or concert in that they have the right to check you before entering. Before anyone starts crying about “facts” I was there as were several others who experienced this first hand.
A Tri Locals Pass would be nice: Heavenly, Sierra At Tahoe and Kirkwood.
Thanks for the warning. I usually have a flask of Jaeger in my hip pocket. I’ll be more careful.
i am sure a camel back can be modified to link up to a bag of wine.
To set the record straight — it is large bottles of booze and cases of beer Heavenly (and I am guessing other resorts) do not want their guests bringing on the mountain. A flask is fine; probably even that modified Camelback is OK. It’s because the gondola was smelling like alcohol and beer cans were strewn about that Heavenly started cracking down. Yes, the resort legally has the right to search bags. At least this year it is not going to search every backpack or bag brought onto the mountain. Heavenly’s stance (and I would again guess this is true for all resorts) is to provide a fun experience for everyone and when the minority interfere with the majority, action needs to be taken. Confiscating large quantities of alcohol might be that action to project the rest of us.
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
They were confiscating all forms of alcholic beverages including individule cans but perhaps they will back off a little and only take what you have stated. It is a little ridiculous to take everything but that’s what they were doing last year. I ski there everyday and it won’t affect me but it will others. I think they should be taking cigaretts instead. Time will tell when the snow flies.
The community needs to call Heavenly out on the provision in the disposition and development agreement that prohibits the City from charging any new or increased taxes. Is Heavenly a part of the community or not? As a major business and employer, they need to step up, and the City Council needs to somehow find a hook to bring Heavenly back to the negotiations table.
People forget that Heavenly enjoys benefits that no other business does. They operate on federally owned land (that’s land owned by us, the taxpayers) and because that land is defined as agricultural, they also don’t have to pay overtime to their employees.
Come on Heavenly, step up and be part of the much needed solutions for this community!
I would suggest trying to get some vegetation growing on the face at Heavenly. Back many moons ago when old long skiis worked there we tried all kinds of grass seeds that didn’t take hold. I tried squaw mat but it would’nt take root. They need to keep trying to find something to hold that soil in place.
Food prices have been really high for a long time . I understand they need to make a profit but their prices are ridiculos. I think thats why they have started this alcohol policy. Gouge the skier at the lodge for a beer and burger after they confiscate his couple of cans of suds in his back pack.
Old skiis is old school . I think that snow boarders and skiers should have separate runs on the mountain. The two don’t mix. Too many collisions!
I can’t ski any more, which is sad because I grew up on that mountain (bad knees, doncha know), but still have a life time of memories of Heavenly Valley
Old Long Skiis
Old skiis is old school . I think that snow boarders and skiers should have separate runs on the mountain. The two don’t mix. Too many collisions!
Remember when there was a sign prohibiting Snowboarders from entering Ca?
Passion: I started that process by putting it as an agenda item last year at a council meeting so hopefully there would be some action. I have also approached each council member publicly and privatly as well as senior city management to include Blaise (HV) when he was here. All I can say is I am glad I wear a helmut.
Remember the good old days when heavenly used to let us bring up food and use their BBQ’S ? Can never afford to eat there anymore or much less entertain guests. At the time they said they discontinued because of health dept regulations. Sure did create an great atmosphere. East peak social club was fun.
Now, we just get a few runs and leave.
I didn’t know they no longer let you use their BBQ’S. That was always a blast, especialy at the end of the season, what a party!
Back when old long skiis was little long skiis Heavenly had 3 chairlifts and a rope tow.You could get a hot pirogi from a little hut that was at the bottom of Patsies run. I think they cost 25 cents.
Does Heavely still have a learn to ski program with the local elementry schools? It used to be very affordable and got kids skiing early in life. Definetly a positive thing for any kid.
Old Long Skiis
Is this the same Mike Lee that used to have a cooler that you dragged up there full of sauce and meat and left chained to a tree?
No, you are misinformed. Same mike lee, wrong story kenny.
Memory is first to go bro…..
Mtn biking would be great summer activity
High speed lift from boulder
heavenly/sierra/kirkwood pass.
All of them should ban snowboarders
Old Long Skiis, I enjoyed reading your comments. Sorry to hear you can’t ski anymore. Yes, as of last year Heavenly Valley and LTUSD still provided 3 full days of skiing/instruction/equipment to local 5th graders, including St. Theresa’s School. I haven’t heard yet for this year. It is a great partnership that truly benefits the students. I hope they keep it up!
Mountain Bike Parks
Old Long Skis.
I know you and worked at Heavenly Valley when it first started with Cris Kurisa, George Cannon, Curley Mooso, Rudy Gursick and when Hugh Killibrew was just the Attny. for heavemnly. Have not seen you in several years now and sorry to hear that you no longer ski.
Life was good back in the old day’s !!
Old Long Skis.
I know you and worked at Heavenly Valley when it first started with Cris Kurisa, George Cannon, Curley Mooso, Rudy Gursick and when Huge Killibrew was just the Attny. for heavenly. Have not seen you in several years now and sorry to hear that you no longer ski.
Life was good back in the old day’s !!
X Local,
Over the years I got to meet all the original owners of Heavenly Valley. Heck, Curley’s wife even gave me his flyfishing pole after he passed away.
Rudy Gersick owned the Ski Run Center which was right down the street from my family’s motel. Best damn burgers in town at the “Burger Bar”! There was also a slot car track there, Cefalu’s laundromat and Dewey’s liquor store…. all in that little center. We would hang out in the laundromat to keep warm as that also served as our bus stop for Bijou elementry in 1962.
Lot’s of stories, I just hope there not to boring!
Take care, Old Long Skiis