Carson City IHOP shooter fired 60 rounds from fully automatic rifle


By Martha Bellisle, Reno Gazette-Journal

The mentally ill man who opened fire at a Carson City IHOP restaurant, killing four and then himself, shot 60 rounds from a Norinco Mak 90 assault weapon that had been purchased by a private party in California more than five years ago, officials said today.

The Mak 90, a Chinese-made modified version of the Russian-made AK-47, had been altered to function as an automatic weapon, said Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong in a statement released early today. The details on the weapon followed a monthlong investigation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

“The alteration was described by ATF as professionally gunsmithed by an unknown person,” Furlong said in the statement. “The possession of this weapon in its manufactured state (semi-automatic) is not prohibited by Nevada State Law.”

Eduardo Sencion walked into the IHOP on the morning of Sept. 6 and fired apparently randomly at customers, killing three Nevada National Guardsmen and a South Lake Tahoe woman. He had a history of mental illness – his family said he was diagnosed with schizophrenia — and had been taken into custody by the South Lake Tahoe police in 2000 under California’s involuntary commitment law.

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Comments (7)
  1. Jenny says - Posted: October 6, 2011

    per article…
    “Nevada law allows for private sales of weapons without background checks on the buyer, Furlong said.”
    …that’s scary & disturbing to hear.

  2. greatfull for what I have says - Posted: October 6, 2011

    I dont care what anyone says, I hate guns and I have a big dislike for those that say that guns arent the problem. If there wernt guns than wackos couldnt use them to kill people or animals. Its a simple truth that the only thing guns were made for is to kill with.. If there wernt guns than this person wouldnt have been able to kill those innocent people with a gun so easily obtained.

  3. Clear Water says - Posted: October 6, 2011

    What if the psycho had used a steak knife?

    Are you going to hate knives, eat your steak with your dirty fingers?

    Society failed in this case,somewhere a long the lines of all people experiences ,no matter how bad, or good, a person draw their own line in the sand of human expression.Sometimes you are in the wrong spot at the wrong time become a victim of rage.

    This country so broke, it can’t really keep all who really need to be locked up,locked up, because finance reasons for both criminals and mental insane people,who walk the streets in the new world order.If someone really out to get you, their chances are pretty good they will succeed without much interference.

    No matter what the action in % that some wacko commit ,the constitution still gives people the right to bear arms and freedom of speech for the better part of societies larger majority, to judge for themselves what’s moral correct and what laws one can break.
    I don’t think people realize how insecure we all are walking the streets or driving your car to societies senseless attacks, war born, savage people, who walk among us in everyday life.
    I find it somewhat of a hazard for people to use their real names blogging because of fatal stalking that anyone WHO really wants to even any score,gives them a road map to your home for Afghan water boarding or marine integration.Some the most warped people are war combat people who returned to the life of freedom ,can’t handle societies balance but a lot had nothing to lose but freedom ,so we pay the high price tag for health,hbo,good food in our prison system.It’s a real life catch 22 problem.

    Of course some crapper little paper reporters,entertainment know it Al’s, that know ever little thing about, city whims,water company preservers,study little city honky ordinances,and review city council meeting on film are not someone I would bring to a good wine tasting party to bore all it’s fun people to death with nothing anyone cares about anyway.
    No where in life did the creator promise anyone a Good ,safe, long ,happy life.
    It’s something we all must find on our own.
    Some knowhow, but alot are just too damn lazy to even look!

  4. TahoeKaren says - Posted: October 6, 2011

    Private gun sales out of the truck of a car at the local 7-11 are not subject to background checks either. Even if guns were outlawed the bad guys would have them. And like Clear Water said, what’s next…knives, then rocks, then sticks? Where does it end? Legal gun ownership is not the problem. It just may be a huge part of the solution.
    Also, the weapon used was illegally altered to be a fully automatic weapon. Most of the weapons used in the commission of crimes have been illegally obtained through straw purchases or burglary.
    Don’t blame the weapon. Blame the person using it.

  5. Alex Campbell says - Posted: October 7, 2011

    NRA NRA Bushie Boo Enron, Halliburton and Cheney too

  6. TahoeKaren says - Posted: October 7, 2011

    Very adult response. Thank you.

  7. give me a break says - Posted: October 7, 2011

    but once again, if there were no guns than there would be no shootings. Id be willing to bet that if the “perp” was using a steak knife than there would have been 10 people on top of him before he could have hurt more than one person.