Gummy bears soaked in alcohol latest way teens get drunk

By CBS-13

WEST SACRAMENTO — Vodka-soaked gummy bears. That’s the newest way teenagers are getting drunk, and police warn it’s nearly undetectable.

It’s dangerous because the booze-soaked candy is pretty much odorless and the person eating them has no idea how much alcohol they’re putting into their system.

In less than a month, a “how-to” YouTube video has more than 17,000 views. The candy-soaked session goes over in detail how to make vodka-soaked gummy bears. Police warn the squishy multi-colored candy could have you seeing all sorts of colors if you pop and chew without a care in the world.

Police in Hollister have posted a warning on their Facebook page telling parents — especially this close to Halloween — to be on the alert for the booze-soaked bears.

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