K’s Kitchen: Cookies worth sending overseas

By Kathryn Reed

When a notice would come in the mail that I had a package, I knew I would be having cookies for dinner that night.

Poor, starving college students can live off very little. Cookies – oh my, I don’t think I ever shared them. I hoarded them in my room, hid them from roommates and savored them – even the crumbs.

k's kitchenI was lucky. Not only did I get goodies sent to me from mom, but my three older sisters kept me well stocked, too.

I can’t say I’ve been as good about sending stuff to my nieces and nephews. This past weekend I was able to hand deliver homemade cookies to two of them. Veronica has graduated, but I’ve seen her set up in Beijing and she isn’t making cookies for herself. With her home for a few days, I was able add to her full suitcase.

Oliver got his hand delivered, too – and whole for a change. See, I don’t package the cookies well, so they end up being crumbs. Still good. Just a different consistency. It’s something he likes to tease me about.

This version is ideal for adding to ice cream.

Jacqueline is going to have to wait her turn – two more years – before she is on the cookie rotation. Hopefully, Chris won’t ever be back on it. He was getting cookies while in Iraq with the Army.

Mine are in the freezer. But don’t ask me to share. I’m still not really good about that.

The recipe comes to me via my sister, Pam. She often uses white chocolate and macadamia nuts. I’m not a big fan of nuts in my cookies, so I use white or semi-sweet chocolate.

Yummy Cookies

2/3 C shortening

2/3 C butter, softened

1 C granulated sugar

1 C brown sugar, packed

2 eggs

2 tsp vanilla

3 C flour

1 tsp soda

12 oz. package chocolate morsels

Mix the first six ingredients. Then blend in the flour and soda. Stir in chocolate chips. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.