Opinion: It’s time the U.S. taught Iran a lesson with new warfare

To the community,

Let me preface this opinion with this statement: I believe that teaching history to our future presidents is a waste of time. “History repeats itself” because it is taught to do so. Let’s break that cycle. What is about to happen tomorrow is infinitely more important than what happened (under totally different circumstances) in the past.

In the 16th, 17th, 18th centuries, England ruled the world because she had a navy that said so. Then Napoleon said that god was on the side of the biggest cannon. He was right until he got to Russia.

During the First World War, numbers counted until the tank was invented. Hitler believed that and got to within 80 miles of Moscow before several other factors shot him down.

During the Second World War, cracking the Japanese radio codes and superior air power and production capabilities made the difference.

So ask yourself this: Who controls the world today? China does – and without a shot being fired. Can you imagine what would happen if China suddenly decided to stop all exports?

Wars of tomorrow will not be fought with ships, guns, tanks, material wealth, or even air power. Communication is the new name of the game and in my opinion should have been employed in Iraq some eight year ago.

Tuesday’s incident with Iran trying to terrorize Washington, D.C., demands immediate counter offensive action. I suggest a total isolation of the country of Iran from the rest of the world until they come to the realization that they cannot control us. They must submit to being a partner in the world around them.

That means a total isolation of the nation – all roads leading in and out are closed by conventional tactics – all communication between individuals, politicians, government agencies, and commerce will be blocked by electronic means. I’m convinced that we can do that.

When they get hungry, or when their commercial interests wield enough power, they can send an emissary by horseback to inform the world that they are finally willing to cooperate.

Then let the U.S. celebrate for a significant victory without a shot being fired. And forget Connecticut – that’s history!

Jim Hildinger, South Lake Tahoe