Opinion: Time to honor Girl Scouts with special license plate

Dear Elected Officials,

This letter is an urgent request for your administration to recognize the Girl Scouts of the USA as a preeminent leadership development organization for girls with over 3.7 million members throughout the United States, including U.S. territories, and more than 90 countries through USA Girl Scouts Overseas.

girl scoutsThe 100th anniversary of founder Juliette “Gordon” Low’s organization is being celebrated extensively from: Opening Ceremonies at their 52nd Convention in Houston (Nov. 8-13); the California Girl Scouts of the Greater Los Angeles Organization and their Jan. 2, 2012, Rose Bowl Parade Float along with weeklong celebrations recognizing previous and current Gold Award Winning Members of the Organization; the H.R. 621: Girl Scouts USA Centennial Commemorative Coin Act Directing the secretary of the Treasury to mint and issue up to 350,000 $1 coins in commemoration of the centennial of the founding of the Girl Scouts of the USA; and ad infinity nationwide activities and events.

Special interest license plates are created by an act of the state’s Legislature to support a particular group or cause. The time has come for you, California’s officially elected representatives by working together to issue a direct fiat of the California Legislature to accomplish writing, approving, getting the governor’s signature, printing and producing this special interest license plate in commemoration of the centennial celebration of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America (March 12, 1912, to March 12, 2012).

Right now you have that opportunity, that power, that clout, the right contacts, and the special privilege of making this happen — thereby putting your stamp of approval by officially honoring and recognizing the Girls Scouts of America and their world renowned organization that continues to build girls of courage, confidence and character who notably make our world a better place.

Please “get busy” Californian’s and get this project accomplished.

Girl Scouts of America is an icon in our country’s history. This is noteworthy, doable, and in “your corner” today.

Ultimately, my vision is to have the opportunity to invite the honorable Gov. Edmund G. Brown, Jr. (with perhaps Brownie Troop 123 from South Lake Tahoe) to recognize your dedication and diligence in getting this assignment accomplished as he proudly stands by the Girl Scouts of the USA Rose Bowl Parade float on Jan. 2, 2012, with the newly designed and proudly revered Centennial Commemorative Girl Scouts of the USA license plate for the “great state” of California!

Kindly work together … talk about this …. blog it … Facebook it … promote it and get the job accomplished. There’s a whole bunch of young, old, boys, girls, men, and women counting on YOU to get this project accomplished.

What do I need to do next? Somebody, please acknowledge this and advise me what’s next. Thank you in advance for “doing the right thing.”

Linda Kabealo, Girl Scout volunteer in South Lake Tahoe