Opinion: Time to take action against golf course proposal


To the community,

We are still fighting the battle to stop the Lake Tahoe Golf Course from taking over the Washoe Meadows State Park. A postcard was created by the Washoe Meadows Community that many are filling out and submitting, but it is hoped many more can be reached through the media.

If you support the opposition to the Lake Tahoe Golf Course expansion into Washoe Meadows State Park, please reply by email to Simply enter your name and address. This will serve as an electronic submission of your signature. Please put in the subject line “Opposition to Alternative 2.” Also feel free to provide additional comments. The deadline to respond is Oct. 16.

Key points in opposing Alternative 2 are as follows:

1. Much of the golf course would be moved to sensitive land doubling the length adjacent to the river

2. It would course both sides of the river, limiting access by wildlife

3. Wildlife habitat and migration paths would be fragmented

4. More human-wildlife (bear) encounters would be created resulting in destruction of the bears

5. Hikers, snowshoers, cross country skiers, wildlife watchers, horseback riders would have restricted access

6. It would create more pollution into Lake Tahoe

7. Golf is on the decline

8. Funding is not defined as to what would be the burden on the taxpayers.

For more information, go online.

Please pass this on to people who you know will support this campaign.

The next meeting for “certification” of Alternative 2 is Oct. 21, 9am at the Lake Tahoe Golf Course.

It is important that anyone who can attend do so.

Thank you for your support.

Patti Handal, Meyers


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This article was written by admin


Comments (14)
  1. concerned says - Posted: October 13, 2011

    Get out of here. Our community needs all the recreation we can offer. What are your solutions?

  2. beenherealongtime says - Posted: October 13, 2011

    Where is the link to SUPPORT the proposals?

  3. Robert says - Posted: October 13, 2011

    Concerned… Get out of here.. You have nothing to offer… Solution is simple…; leave the golf course alone, keep washoe park preserved and leave the river in place and protect the banks.. Save the lake and all us taxpayers tons of money and controversy. The receation should remain intact, just not create more disturbance in the name of restoration.

  4. Mortakai says - Posted: October 13, 2011

    I agree that we need “all” the recreation we can get, but not in the form of a larger golf course or maybe not even any golf course.
    There was a time when the Audubon Society wanted to make the park a designated bird watching area.
    Suggestions by residents at the meetings were for a campground, which at a TRPA meeting, the golf course operator said he would be agreeable.
    Since golf is on the decline, golf courses that have been converted to campgrounds have been incredibly successful generating more income than a golf course. It would allow for greater flexibility in the use of the property. Camping, hiking, wildlife viewing, horseback riding during the summer season; snowmobiling, snow shoeing, and cross country skiing in the winter.
    Leaving the park intact, creating access points with sinage and advertising and promoting it would be a boon for Lake Tahoe.
    The park is a treasure. It should be cherished by stewards who understand its unique ecosystem.

  5. Mortakai says - Posted: October 13, 2011


    If you click on the link for “go online,” it will take you to the website. All the information, proposals, and maps, can be found there.

  6. Damaris says - Posted: October 14, 2011

    To ‘Concerned’, OBVIOUSLY you don’t know anything about this issue which has not been spoon-fed to you by those who have no concept of how idiotic this endeavor is. This is illustrated by YOUR yokelish ‘solution’ of “get out of here”. The FACT is there IS another actual solution that would allow for the expansion of the golf course while NOT forfeiting the precious little natural landscapes most enjoyed by visitors to SLT. I wonder at your wholesale ignorance if you think people go to SLT to golf! People go to SLT to hike/stroll with their kids/dogs, picnic, boat, gamble or ski. The Lion’s-share of visitors come FROM areas that have UMPTEEN golf courses; what they don’t have is the pristine mountains to wander amongst. Do the entire basin a favor, educate yourself PRIOR to opening your stupid yap lest you abet in the destruction of this treasure!

  7. Where is the turnip truck says - Posted: October 14, 2011

    Another shovel ready project by the people you can trust. Leave well enough alone as this is nothing more than moving rocks from one site to another with negative consequences for the wildlife and users of the park. Sure it provides jobs but digging holes and then filling them up appears to lack productivity.

  8. Atomic says - Posted: October 14, 2011

    Regardless of your position on this, the anonymous nature of responding to this forum requires civility and class.

    Attacking someone personally while remaining anonymous is cowardly and classless.

    Well done to the Washoe Park community for all their efforts. I too am a user of the Park, though on the North end, and not effected as much by this admittedly.

    I’m still on the fence about moving the golf course. Is there room on the East side of the river to create the 9 holes away from the river? I couldn’t make that out on the maps.

    Ultimately though, carving into the Park seems to be a violation of the original intent of the formation of the Park and has no precedent within the Ca park system.

  9. Gayle Harlow says - Posted: October 14, 2011

    What Robert said

  10. Troutkind says - Posted: November 7, 2011

    Seems so interesting how the WMC group can completely spread banter about this project when all the scientists and regulatory agencies support this projet. What gives? There is so much forest land and hiking and biking trails in the basin, especially out by Washoe Meadows State Park. Go out and explore, learn some other new and exciting places in “your” backyard. That community group sems like a bunch of irrate neighbors that don’t want their dog walking backyard park changed! Most of them are probably 2nd homeowners and live full time in the east bay somewhere.
    I think the trade off for more access to the river is worth it. Talk about habitat gain, wildlife will be abundant.
    I came across the park’s website for the project
    Have a look at all the documents.
    The golf course is not expanding, get real people.

  11. John says - Posted: November 7, 2011

    Troutkind, you are right. That group absolutely abuses the truth because the truth does not fit what they want. The golf course is not expanding, it is being realigned. What migratory critter is it that will no longer be able to migrate? The realignment increases the acreage of SEZ’s and meadows, but they put it destroys sensative land. (It does, but it is replaced with other SEZ’s) Then my favorite, they talk about the decline of golf nationally, but that specific course has steady to increasing visitors.

  12. John says - Posted: November 7, 2011

    Atomic, if its a swap of land and increases the number of SEZ acres could you support moving the course?

  13. Troutkind says - Posted: November 7, 2011

    5. Hikers, snowshoers, cross country skiers, wildlife watchers, horseback riders would have restricted access

    Where is the restricted access these people are talking about?
    Looking at the maps it seems to improve access. snowshoers and cross country skiers use the golf course in winter now. not sure how this will restirct their access. probably increased wildlife viewing, especially birds, with this along the river. It would be nice to float this section of river and not have golf course along both sides of you most of the way down.

    I would like to see the science from their comment that it would create more pollution into the lake? Is that on their website?

    Doubling the length of golf course along the river? Looking at the map from another article it looks like golf course will be removed from along the river at about 200′ minimum except where the bridge would be.

    People should be held accountable for their words!

  14. John says - Posted: November 7, 2011

    The “migration paths would be fragmented” part is really a howl. Has anyone seen my missing wildebeast? Hope the coyotes didn’t get him while he was migrating.