Opinion: Time to take action against golf course proposal

To the community,

We are still fighting the battle to stop the Lake Tahoe Golf Course from taking over the Washoe Meadows State Park. A postcard was created by the Washoe Meadows Community that many are filling out and submitting, but it is hoped many more can be reached through the media.

If you support the opposition to the Lake Tahoe Golf Course expansion into Washoe Meadows State Park, please reply by email to BrutHilda@att.net. Simply enter your name and address. This will serve as an electronic submission of your signature. Please put in the subject line “Opposition to Alternative 2.” Also feel free to provide additional comments. The deadline to respond is Oct. 16.

Key points in opposing Alternative 2 are as follows:

1. Much of the golf course would be moved to sensitive land doubling the length adjacent to the river

2. It would course both sides of the river, limiting access by wildlife

3. Wildlife habitat and migration paths would be fragmented

4. More human-wildlife (bear) encounters would be created resulting in destruction of the bears

5. Hikers, snowshoers, cross country skiers, wildlife watchers, horseback riders would have restricted access

6. It would create more pollution into Lake Tahoe

7. Golf is on the decline

8. Funding is not defined as to what would be the burden on the taxpayers.

For more information, go online.

Please pass this on to people who you know will support this campaign.

The next meeting for “certification” of Alternative 2 is Oct. 21, 9am at the Lake Tahoe Golf Course.

It is important that anyone who can attend do so.

Thank you for your support.

Patti Handal, Meyers