Poetry plus Halloween makes for a ‘scary slam’

Bona Fide Books’ second annual Scary Slam and literary costume contest is Oct. 29 at 7pm at Bona Fide HQ in Meyers.

The event is free and open to the public.

Come prepared to scare with a short story or poem of your creation, or choose a spooky classic to enthrall the crowd. From Edgar Allen Poe to Stephen King, all things scary are game.

Holly Beck won the 2010 costume contest as Hunter S. Thompson. Photo/Suzanne Roberts

Holly Beck won the 2010 costume contest as Hunter S. Thompson. Photo/Suzanne Roberts

There is a $5 entry fee to slam, with the pot going to the most terrifying. Prizes will also be awarded to the crowd’s choice for best literary-inspired costumes.

Reno-based poet and slam organizer Benjamin Arnold will be the evening’s otherworldly emcee. Tarot readings, campy horror flicks, villainous victuals, and haunting company will also be on tap at your local small press.

Bona Fide HQ is located at 1069 Magua St., No. 4, behind the Getaway Café in Meyers.

For more information, contact Kim Wyatt at editor@bonafidebooks.com, call (530) 573.1513 or go online.