Snippets about Lake Tahoe

• Here is the agenda for the Oct. 11 9am El Dorado County Board of Supervisors meeting in South Lake Tahoe.

• Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board has canceled its November meeting. The next meeting is Dec. 6-7 in South Lake Tahoe, with exact location to be determined.

• Maybe the third time is the charm. South Lake Tahoe Mayor Hal Cole’s state of the city address has yet another date and time. Now it’s slated for the beginning of the regular council meeting on Oct. 18 at 9am.

• South Lake Tahoe City Council is having a special closed session meeting Oct. 11 at 9am to discuss labor negotiations. It’s slated for the regular room at Lake Tahoe Airport, but that is also when the county has the room reserved for the supervisors’ meeting.

• Several El Dorado County wineries are offering deals to people who present a Nevada ID from Oct. 28-30 in celebration of Nevada Day.

• Here is the El Dorado-Tahoe roadwork schedule for this week.

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Comments (9)
  1. X LOCAL says - Posted: October 10, 2011

    The City keeps changing the Council Meeting time so that know one will actually know when it is going to be and will not attend. The Council does not want the public to be there and ask questions that they may have to answer in public.
    There is no reason for this to have been changed so many times.

    Why is the Fire Dept being reward with a 2% raise for agreeing on their contracts? Isn’t that favoritism and unfair to other employees?
    Are the City Manager, Public Information Officer, Director of Parks and Rec all going to get approximately 9.23% increase when furloughs end with the adoption of the new budget. If that is not the correct amount what is the correct % the City Manager, Chief of Police, Parks and Recreation Director, Public Information will receive when furloughs are stopped. What is the total dollars that just those positions are going to receive as increases? These will be raises because they have never had the money since they assumed those positions after furloughs were implemented. In the past in difficult financial times the City Manager and City Attorney declined their pay increases for several years that they were entitled to on their contracts. Is the City Manager going to pass on his 9.23% increase when furloughs are done?
    What is the amount the City is allowing in the budget for the four events? Is there a special event already planned. How much taxpayer’s money are you giving away in the budget item? Isn’t that why the lodging BID was formed so no more City taxpayers monies would pay for marketing.
    Why are you spending approximately $150, 000 on Linear Park? Have you actively sought volunteers or donations to improve that area in the last three years? Why would you spend money for that in these difficult times?
    Why don’t you reduce the road repair budget to 3 or 4million this first year target the worse roads and see how the economy goes.
    Why would you give incentive money taxpayers dollars for people who are required to be in compliance with the sign ordinance? We are not in a position to GIVE taxpayers dollars away.
    Why was the City Councilmember’s budget amended this year to increase their expenses. It is an increase of over $56,318 since 2010 when other departments have made sacrifices and budget reductions. Are they having expenses lunches and dinners out on the taxpayer’s backs? Seems like a double standard here. We don’t want your 10% Miss Fortier we want you to live within your means.
    8. Do you have money set aside for Lakeview Commons to stock the non motorized boats, snack bar equipment, and staffing. If so how much is set-aside for that opening next year?

    9. Did you know you can’t contract those services out at Lakeview because of the County terms agreement to keep that public and not privatize that on County land.

    10. Vacation Rentals Suggestions:

    · implement a Vacation Rental hotline to report illegal vacation rental and provide regular update to City Council and the public

    · Dedicate a staff person to do regular searches for illegal vacation rentals on interment rental sites like VRBO, home way Craig’s list. and provide a regular report

    · adopt an ordinance to fine and penalize all adults over 18 on site any violators on the rental ordinance on noise, number of people, trash(you restore quality of life to neighbors and make the renters with the bad behavior pay

    · increase permit fee for vacation rental

    · increase the vacation rental audits

    · what are the number of audits done on vacation rentals on annual basis for the last 3 years

  2. grannylou says - Posted: October 10, 2011

    Gee, X Local, since you know so much, why not move back and run for the city council yourself? You seem to have a lot of time on your hands to research and criticize what is going on here.

    It seems that your knowledge could be put to good use wherever you live now instead of focusing on the past.

  3. Steve says - Posted: October 10, 2011

    Talk about biting the hand that feeds. Why should I, as a homewowner, have to pay the city ANYTHING for renting my home? It is MY home. A vacation renter eats out, skis, shops, etc. That is the contribution to SLT, a vacation destination. Take a look at the overpaid city employees for some extra revenue.

  4. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: October 10, 2011

    Lahontan’s cancellation of their November meeting means that the organization which influences more than people may know will meet only 8 times instead of 12 for 2011.
    The board of directors still has open seats. This is the group we are letting implement the TMDL. Bad news.

  5. X LOCAL says - Posted: October 10, 2011

    Your part of the problem, you probably don’t pay your T.O.T. either,and if you don’t like the rules, then run for office and change them !!

    As for Grannylou
    All of this information is available to the public if you just look at the budget and try to understand it. The Council does not want to answer these questions to the public, because they don’t want to have to explain why they have made these decisions.

  6. Steve says - Posted: October 10, 2011

    X Local,
    You define the problem with Tahoe. Ignorant people with opinions about EVERYTHING who make waves for the sake of making waves. Get a job. And a life. I’m allowed my opinion, as you are.

  7. Skibum says - Posted: October 10, 2011

    Tom F, I agree with your comments and you have great suggestions but i also agree with granny. It would be nice if you moved back and got involved.

  8. John W. Runnels says - Posted: October 10, 2011

    Hey don’t out the guy Skibum, He wanted away from the snow and although he is involved through the blog, I doubt that he or his lovely wife want to move back. He put in his years and deserves his spot in the sun, but as far as the City and snow removal he certainly has his creds.

  9. Frank says - Posted: October 11, 2011

    Xl/TomF whatever, good question. All the street crews, snow removal folks, public works workers, rec folks and admin people no longer on furloughs, they all get a raise now? Good point