South Tahoe settles with former transit employee


By Kathryn Reed

South Lake Tahoe has paid John Andoh, former transit administrator for the now defunct South Tahoe Area Transportation Agency, $5,000 to settle the claim he filed in August 2010.

The civil rights lawsuit filed in federal court in Sacramento was against South Lake Tahoe, the city police department and Officer Russell Liles.

John Andoh

John Andoh

Police Chief Brian Uhler, who was not head of the department at the time, was aware of the allegations, but not that a settlement had been reached when contacted by Lake Tahoe News.

Assistant City Attorney Nira Feeley said she would provide Lake Tahoe News with a copy of the agreement, but has yet to do. So, it’s unknown if the city admitted to wrong-doing or cut a check to make the case disappear or some other scenario.

Neither Andoh nor his attorney, Jeff Felton, returned calls.

A series of events, mostly in 2009, led to Andoh seeking legal counsel and the lawsuit being filed.


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Comments (9)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: October 20, 2011

    Boy, ain’t that typical? He screwed up so we pay him. There you have another arguement against government’s ability to manage business.

  2. 30yrlocal says - Posted: October 20, 2011

    His case didn’t have anything to do with his job as I believe it was about his arrest for a trash can being knocked over. He felt he was treated badly due to his color so it appears the courts felt that way too.

  3. 4-mer usmc says - Posted: October 20, 2011

    More and more it appears that the Courts at every level control an awful lot, much of which is initiated by frivolous lawsuits brought by money scavenging attorneys. $5,000 isn’t a huge settlement amount so this seems like a “make it go away” payment. While I understand the importance of people having the process of legal recourse, the manipulation of the judicial system seems out of control. Lawsuits are lengthy and costly and anyone can initiate such for nary a reason.

  4. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: October 20, 2011

    During July and August of the 1st summer revamp at BlueGo while Andoh was at the helm, after a very rocky start, was the best I’ve ever seen public transit ever operate in a city. The Al Tahoe Blvd to the Y corridor had amazing service.

    If only around 15% of operating costs come from the fare box, and this service was/is free, wonder how many people would/will abandon serious personal vehicle miles to be mobile.

  5. scadmin says - Posted: October 20, 2011

    Sometimes civil claims settle without a lawsuit being filed, or the courts being involved. The story said that the city paid to settle a “claim”, not a lawsuit.

  6. Garry Bowen says - Posted: October 20, 2011

    It is amazing that folks in this town always jump to conclusions without knowing anything of what transpired. . .I agree with Perry that John’s service here was very effective, and he was the only one who ever returned a phone call. . .

    He suffered from the well-known ‘office politic’ ploy of having things “dumped into his basket” on the way out, to obscure the fact that STATA is (was ?) seriously dysfunctional – for example, I don’t think he incurred the 2.5 million dollar deficit all by himself, but his treatment implied that “it was all his fault”. . .the problems endure. . .

    He just stood up for his own rights. . .

  7. Angela says - Posted: October 20, 2011

    John did great things in South Lake Tahoe for BlueGO. He poured his heart and soul into making those buses work. I remember seeing him work until the weehours of the morning. That is how much he cared. The Board of Directors could careless about the efforts he placed. I wish him the best and I am glad this is resolved. Also – how can someone pull trash cans with a Ford Mustang? There is no tow bars on that car. I think there was something screwy with the Police Report and SLTPD really needs to be investigated.

  8. Parker says - Posted: October 20, 2011

    So can anyone who’s been arrested sue the PD and get 5k? Why was there a settlement of any kind if the PD acted appropriately? Why are the facts of the case a secret to the taxpayer who pays both the PD’s bills and the settlement?

    From what I understand and saw Mr. Andoh did a terrible job with BlueGo! But that’s irrelevant in regards to the settlement.

    And thanks LTN for reporting news that used to be kept from the public!

  9. david says - Posted: October 21, 2011

    Seems like Parker and dogwoman needs to get the facts correct. How can you be aware that the police department acted appropriately? Did you review the report? Do you know what happended? I don’t think this is secret, LTN and Tahoe Daily Tribune reported the matter back in 2009. The case was dropped.

    Can you manage a disfunctional transit system by yourself? If so, I would like to see you manage BlueGo – but as you say it is irrelevant.

    As a Andoh supporter when he was at BlueGo, I think he did the best he can with what he had. As for the arrest for an accident that he did not cause – seems like the PD needs an investigation because this doesnt seem right!