Study: Gaming industry pros optimistic about 2012

By Richard N. Velotta, Las Vegas Sun

A survey of more than 1,150 gaming industry professionals at last week’s Global Gaming Expo finds most participants are optimistic that 2012 will be a good year for the industry.

“These survey results indicate that there are exciting times ahead for the gaming industry,” Courtney Muller, senior vice president with expo producer Reed Exhibitions, said in a news release.

According to the survey, 77 percent of respondents feel positive about the direction of the casino industry in 2012 and 80 percent believe the company at which they work will be stronger next year. The survey said 76 percent are not concerned about their future employment situation.

Randall A. Fine, managing director of The Fine Point Group, a casino management and advisory company, told those attending the final session at G2E that they should never stop innovating their products.

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