Arson at defunct casino extinguished quickly
STATELINE — Tahoe Douglas firefighters are looking for the individual who set fire to the cloth hanging on the scaffolding of the old Bill’s Casino at Stateline.
A security guard from MontBleu casino used a fire extinguisher to put out the blaze that consumed about a 10 foot by 12 foot piece of cloth.

Someone on Nov. 30 set fire to material covering scaffolding in the Stateline casino corridor. Photo/LTN
Eric Guevin, acting fire marshal with Tahoe Douglas, said his department got the call about 3am Nov. 30 from security at the casino.
The only description of the suspect is: middle aged male wearing a ball cap.
The fire didn’t stop renovation of the building from continuing Wednesday.
Anyone with information is asked to call the fire department at (775) 588.3591.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report