Convention center site may move out of bankruptcy court


More time. That’s what Randy Lane has been given by a bankruptcy court judge in Sacramento.

January is the next scheduled court date for the convention center debtor and creditors.

Last month Lane asked for more time to come up with a plan for the 11-plus acre site that has languished in bankruptcy since October 2009. At that time he was asking for 270 days. At the hearing on Nov. 1 he was given until Jan. 10 to resolve the property tax issue. In other words, figure out a payment plan.

It could be years before work resumes on the would-be convention center. Photo/LTN file

It could be years before work resumes on the would-be convention center. Photo/LTN file

One of the creditors is contemplating filing a motion to dismiss the case from bankruptcy court. This, too, is likely to be heard in January.

“It would remove the bankruptcy court from the proceedings, and the parties could either foreclosure, sell, reach agreements, etc., without needing the bankruptcy court’s approval,” South Lake Tahoe City Attorney Patrick Enright explained. “The bankruptcy court has certain powers under the bankruptcy code to impose a plan, but without a plan and no real hope of a plan from the debtor, there is little point in the bankruptcy court keeping the case indefinitely.”

— Kathryn Reed


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This article was written by admin


Comments (23)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: November 3, 2011

    People lose their houses for being less tardy on their payments than this guy is. The people in charge are NUTS.

  2. farkworth says - Posted: November 3, 2011

    Question is “Who is in charge?”

  3. orale says - Posted: November 3, 2011

    Anyone willing to step forward and take responsibility for cleaning up this mess would also be NUTS.

    I don’t think you could pay a person enough.

  4. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: November 3, 2011

    Tomorrow the “South Shore Vision Plan” is being presented to the SLT city council. What a surprise it would be if Edgewood Properties figured out how to integrate this property into their Five Star resort plans. They would truely help the whole community by doing so.

  5. Miche says - Posted: November 3, 2011

    I see so much potential with this piece of property!!! I think underground parking with a park on top would be amazing. I’m thinking gazebos with picnic tables, maybe a pond or water feature of some sort, wine tastings in the summer, art shows, concerts and movies in the park and in the winter rent snowshoes, cross country ski and snowball makers for the kids! Make it all affordable or free and get people in the community, locals and tourists, interested in being at stateline.

  6. Steven says - Posted: November 3, 2011

    Admin previously stated none of the 26 or so property owners/creditors have filed foreclosure. They deserve much of the blame for nothing happening. Nothing new will happen until they foreclose.

  7. Tahoe needs small Business says - Posted: November 3, 2011

    What ever happened to the Mural? and the sidewalk?

    There could of have been a bunch of competitions to create a “compilation” Mural. Something that many artist, 60- 70 artists, local and non-local artists could have contributed to.

    It would make a great marketing campaign.

    People would come from near and far to view it. The town could have made it a world wide opportunity. Artists represented from all over the world and since its going to be there for a while it could be updated every year in sections.

    An attraction for the world to come and see instead of a … i can’t say it. You know what I mean… The top part of a cesspool.

  8. Tahoe needs small Business says - Posted: November 3, 2011

    Thanks for the info on the mural, but frankly it’s the same kind of lazy excuse for not getting something done that I have heard for years. It’s one of the reasons I am leaving.

    Caltrans works for the people not the other way around.

    What did they want?

    Why was it a deal killer?

    Was there any push back by the town?

    Was it the cost to Caltrans? If so why was there a cost?

    Was there a work around? If the Sidewalk went inward for instance why would caltrans have a say in it at all?

    Like i said in a previous post several days back, I am moving out of California to start my tourism promotion and marketing business.

    SLT will be a comparison example of where NOT TO GO, not just because of this – just everything about the town, county and the State!

    The north shore at least has a “Can Do” attitude and it shows!

    You need people that can take problems and turn them into opportunities.

    What you have is people that can quickly find excuses to stop anything.

    SLT has a loser attitude and a big part of the reason that SLT is looked down on.

  9. Deb Palmer says - Posted: November 4, 2011

    Steven: When a bankruptcy is filed, it puts an automatic stay on all civil actions, generally, so the poor owners cannot proceed with foreclosure, even if they want ( and desperately need) to file.

    Deb Palmer, Esq.

  10. PubworksTV says - Posted: November 4, 2011

    Tahoe needs small Business,

    That’s harsh, accurate, but harsh.

  11. Atomic says - Posted: November 4, 2011

    Hey ‘Tahoe needs small Business’, let me guess, you’re doing all of the complaining and none of the doing-

    South Shore needs less people like you, hit the road, go cry somewhere else

  12. Tahoe needs small Business says - Posted: November 4, 2011


    You need some brain food, you can’t fix a problem unless you identify it.

    FYI – I spent my life doing and the liberals in CA Government (County, State and town) have destroyed the small business environment.

    Look around foo1.

    The “doers” have left or are packing up to leave like me.

    Once I am out of here, wherever I end up will be better than CA. Nevada, Texas, Colorado, Idaho all rank HEAD AND SHOULDERS ABOVE La La land.

    What do you do Atomic?

    What have you done?

    … likely you work for the government…

    That’s my bet…

  13. Atomic says - Posted: November 4, 2011

    Easy ‘small Business’, you started this.

    I share some of your frustration, but I’ve lived all over the world and things are sometimes complex. We all want the best for our town and frankly looking around, there are some nice improvements happening right now.

    Everybody has different needs and to pin everything on a town or a town’s people is La La land itself.

    Good luck with your move, try not to get too frustrated when you find the same problems in varying degrees wherever you land.

    …no government job for me, purely risk/reward equation going on here-

  14. PubworksTV says - Posted: November 4, 2011


    How did ‘small Business’ start this?

    The problem is the problem. small Business sounds like a person that has been damaged by the problem and spent time studying and understanding it.

    As for your answer to your job, text book response. Heard similar from people hiding the facts.

    I got you down as some type of government or agency employee.

    PROVE ME WRONG – OTHERWISE, everyone reading should put you down as a government employee.

  15. nature bats last says - Posted: November 4, 2011

    “Tahoe needs small business “should move up to Idaho. I spent 20 years there and I loved it but watch out because they like to point guns at people from california.Oh but all you gun lovers will be right at home.
    My husband and I just closed our local small business of 30 years but not really due to no work, but because of all the over head costs and all the new development in Carson valley. People would call us up to get a price on a cable and complain that they could get it for $5.00 cheaper at best buy and then spend $10.00 on the gas to go buy it. Go figure. We are glad to be rid of the head ache and My husband has moved onto a much better job.
    So, please do move to Idaho and see what they have for you. Beware, the problems are exactly the same. But hay, go, have fun and let them deal with your attitude for awhile. Peace out…

  16. PubworksTV says - Posted: November 4, 2011

    bats last,

    You might be surprised to learn that California is ranked at the bottom of every measure that many people feel important.

    Education, taxation, the worst bond rating, the worst business climate… but most of all CA is ranked 47 on the “Personal and Economic Freedom” study from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Right down there at the bottom with New York and New Jersey the only states considered worse.

    Idaho is rank was ranked the 4th freest State in the Union, not bad. ‘Tahoe Needs Small Business’ may well consider your recommendation a good one.

    But, before moving consider also, Nevada isn’t to bad off at a ranking of 6th best and Texas at 14th – Oregon looks good coming in at 7th.

    I moved to Incline Village some time back, Nevada has lots going for it. but unless you want to go to New Jersey or New York – California is beat by every other state on that oh so important Freedom thing.

    Other than Manhattan for the real bold, New Jersey and New York are pit holes anyway so they wouldn’t make it to many people lists. CA on the other hand had soooo much to lose – and, well you’re losing it.

    The good weather can only offset so much oppression and it sure is oppressive to the small business people.

    I wish the best of luck to ‘Tahoe Needs Small Business’ on your relocation hunt.

    Let us know what you find out there on the other side will ya?

  17. PubworksTV says - Posted: November 4, 2011

    Opps, California is ranked the 48 worst state for FREEDOM not 47th. That was some other ranking report.

  18. nature bats last says - Posted: November 4, 2011

    Guess what Pub works TV, our business was in Nevada!!!!Just as much BS to deal with as California
    Have fun in Idaho!

  19. Atomic says - Posted: November 5, 2011

    PubworksTV, stop being ridiculous.

    Implying that I am a liar is totally over the top.

    One more time, never had a gov’t job in my adult life and there will be no further discussion with you


  20. mthull says - Posted: April 26, 2012

    The fact is that theres a big hole at stateline, a plan needs to be talked about. If your leaving you should have NO input. If you live here and love it we should have a plan