Crime free housing program marking successes


Gail Ryan has had plenty of reason to celebrate this fall. She became the second multifamily housing property in South Lake Tahoe to be fully certified in the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program.

The program was implemented locally Oct. 11, 2010. Tim Zehring, retired 22-year veteran of the Mesa Police Department, is the founder of the International Crime Free Association.

Zehring presented Melanie Arnold, Lake Tahoe Crime Free Program’s volunteer coordinator, with the International Crime Free Association Manager of the Year award.

At the presentation in October, he said, “Melanie was told years ago that this program would never happen here in Lake Tahoe and now look where you are.”

Seven properties in South Lake Tahoe and Douglas County have been fully certified in this free program, with several more working toward full certification.

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Comments (2)
  1. Lake Tahoe Crime Free Programs says - Posted: November 18, 2011

    Thank you Lake Tahoe News!

    We were so pleased to celebrate our ONE year anniversay with over forty property managers and law enforcement personnel which included officers from Truckee Police, Alameda County Sheriff’s and Palm Desert Sheriff’s to discuss such topics as proper applicant screening, criminal background checks, premise liability, reducing property loss and partnering with law enforcement. Zehring also discussed the usage of the most valuable tool in the program which is called the “Crime Free Lease Addendum”. This is an agreement which is signed by all residents to “not engage in criminal activity….on or off said premises..” and “can be good cause for immediate termination of the lease or rental agreement”. Participants also received valuable information from agents with South Lake El Dorado Narcotics Enforcement Team (SLEDNET) regarding drug usage and the manufacturing of drugs on their rental properties.
    Zehring said “the community support of this program is overwhelming and I’m so pleased with the progress”. South Lake Tahoe Police Officer Aaron Crawford concurred. Crawford said “We rely on pro-active programs such as this and certainly see the benefits for the community.” Crawford has been instrumental in getting the word out to the community and also having the program added to the city’s website. Douglas County Sheriff’s Captain, Joe Duffy agreed. Duffy said “We certainly encourage more properties to participate and our goal is to have all rental properties in Douglas County eventually on board.” Since the program’s inception, more than 85 participants have been phase one certified in this three step certification process. The three phases consists of 8-hour in-depth training, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design or C.P.T.E.D. inspection and holding a “Safety Social” supported by law enforcement where the properties receive their signage. Zehring presented Ms. Ryan with the coveted signage to display at her Terry Lane Apartments in South Lake Tahoe. Ryan said “I’m so thrilled to be a part of this valuable program and I have truly seen a difference at my property.” Ryan is encouraging all South Lake Tahoe properties to get involved and is even going door to door with flyers about the advantages of the program.
    So far, a total of seven properties in South Lake Tahoe and Douglas County have been fully certified in this FREE program with several more working towards their full certification. Douglas County Sheriff Ron Pierini is so pleased with the progress of the program since its inception in 2010, he asked for a deputy to volunteer to become the program’s contact. The response was so well received that Douglas County now has two deputies coordinating the program and has also added the program to the counties website. Deputy Partipilo and Deputy Harker are very involved and are now certified trainers along with Officer Crawford. Tahoe Valley Townhomes was the training site where the officers received their certified training. Crawford plans on awarding Property Manager Kris Tubbs and her staff with their signage for the outstanding job they have done to come into compliance with the program. They hope to be the next fully certified property in South Lake Tahoe.
    It was evident at the one year celebration as to how pleased everyone is to have this FREE valuable training now available in our community. The group holds monthly manager meetings which Arnold said “is great for networking and providing continual training.” The manager’s now have a group of people with a common goal to discuss situations with, share success stories and many friendships have been formed in what was once a very competitive market. Arnold said “it’s not just about collecting rents anymore, it’s about bringing a more stable resident base to our community and doing our part to “Keep Illegal Activity Out of Rental Properties” and our entire community!” The International Crime Prevention Program is now in over 2,000 cities, 12 countries, and 44 U.S. states. We are pleased to have this program in our area and to have the support of our law enforcement agencies and the community.

  2. Lake Tahoe Crime Free Programs says - Posted: November 18, 2011

    We also want to thank the following persons for their generous donations and unending support! Rowena Pegg owner of Lakeside Beach Grill and her staff who donated a wonderful luncheon for everyone, Attorney Robert Huckabee who spoke briefly to the group about proper eviction procedures, Tom Castaneda, Vice President, Tahoe Beach Club, Sarah Lofgren, owner of Flour Girl Wedding Cakes for the delicious cake with our custom logo and Tina Bruess and Georgette Riley with Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to hold the event at their wonder facility!
    Please check out our Facebook Page for more information and photos. Thank you to Lake Tahoe News for the wonderful write up!