Opinion: Defacing state park will not be tolerated

To the community,

The Washoe Meadows Community condemns the act of vandalism within Washoe Meadows State Park that was reported Nov. 29 by State Parks personnel. The described mutilation of trees is an abhorrence to those of us who are devoted to Washoe Meadows and who are dedicated to the defense of its natural gifts.

Our commitment to saving the park includes distress over the 1,600 trees slated to come down if the golf course is extended into Washoe Meadows, so the reported defacement is a terrible offense to our cause.

Since 2006 our community members have been praised for our courtesy and respect during the technical and bureaucratic procedures to select the Upper Truckee River restoration design. While we advocate for Alternative 3 – to restore the river and keep the golf course — we remain steadfastly committed to civil processes and communication.

We disagree with State Parks’ choice of Alternative 2, but certainly we are in accord with the state and other agencies in condemning any sabotage, dishonesty or misbehavior that undermine the aim to restore

the Upper Truckee River in the most environmentally ideal manner.

Lynne Paulson, Washoe Meadows Community