Opinion: Reasons to vote for Measure R


To the community,

Several months ago at JPA public meetings on Measure R, I made arguments similar to those in Stephen Reinhard’s recent letter opposing Measure R. Unlike Reinhard who didn’t attend any of the meetings, I participated in all of the JPA public meetings, and learned about important facts Reinhard has wrong.

The JPA will not seek voter approval again for using the accumulating money for fields or “old” bike trails if Measure R is defeated. They have other options to resolve the situation; those options will make the “extra” money unavailable in the future for fields or “old” bike trails.

The JPA has had unplanned increases in revenue that will amount to several hundred thousand dollars over the life of Measure S. Fields will get $500,000, with bike trails getting the rest plus all the originally planned new bike trail maintenance money; over $800,000 more than if Measure R is defeated.

Next summer, fields and bike trails each get about $235,000. Then fields get all of the money until about 2016 because fields need money “up front” for major work that must be done all at once, and for matching fund donations. We agreed so fields people will support using Measure S money for “old” bike trails. Bike trail renovation can be done in smaller increments and after fields get $500,000, bike trails will get all of the money until Measure S sunsets in 2030.

Reinhard omitted the important final words of the Measure R sentence he quoted. It actually says the JPA can “… direct up to 100% of available JPA funding to pre-September 19, 2000 separated bicycle trails renovation.” This allows money to also be used for “old” bike trail maintenance or additional “new” bike trail maintenance.

Vote “Yes” on Measure R and give “old” bike trails $235,000 now.

Charles W. Nelson, founding member and board member of Lake Tahoe Bicycle Coalition


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Comments (6)
  1. John W. Runnels says - Posted: November 1, 2011

    I agree with Mr. Nelson both our ball fields and bike trails need upkeep and repair. Measure R makes use of stagnant funds to the benefit of our Community.
    Vote Yes on Measure R!

  2. Les Wright says - Posted: November 1, 2011


  3. Info says - Posted: November 1, 2011

    Read the fine print. Cyclists could be left with a flat tire and no improved trails.

  4. grannylou says - Posted: November 1, 2011

    Please vote for this measure! We need to have our bike trails repaired soon. If this doesn’t pass, it means the $$$ spent on putting this on the ballot was for nothing. That is money that could be used on the trails. Do not believe these very few but vocal nay sayers! Vote yes on Measure R. YES!

  5. Garry Bowen says - Posted: November 1, 2011

    Emphatically yes !!

  6. Charles W. Nelson says - Posted: November 1, 2011

    In response to “Info”, all I can say is that the Lake Tahoe Bicycle Coalition and I have very carefully reviewed Measure R, and authored several important additions and changes, to assure that it is written in a way that guarantees, as best any guarantee can be (and that’s pretty darn good!), that bicycle interests are fully protected, that we will get ALL of the money we originally expected to get from Measure S if “new” bike trails had been built when they were originally expected to be built, plus substantial additional money from the JPA “extra” revenue. If you don’t beleive that, you need to go back a read and re-read Measure R until you understand it as well as an attorney would (which I am) and ask for further financial information about the JPA bicycle trail maintenance money and “extra” income (John Upton can, and will, provide you with more info than you ever wanted to know about the JPA if you’ll take the time to ask questions and listen and continue to ask questions until you get the info you want).