Ownership change at Timber Cove closes restaurants


By Kathryn Reed

Owners of the Timber Cove Pier did not renew the lease with Blue Water Bistro, forcing the restaurant to close.

The lease with Mama’s Red Tomato also expired.

Both restaurant locations will be operated by the family trust that has taken over operation of the South Lake Tahoe pier as well as the Best Western Timber Cove Lodge. Bob Maloff, who had owned the property for years, died in June. His sons control the trust.

Blue Water Bistro is closed. Photo/LTN file

Blue Water Bistro is closed. Photo/LTN file

Peter Evenhuis, general manager at the lodge, said the location where the bistro was would be remodeled, with a new restaurant opening by spring.

“There is no way we can expand anything. That is too complicated,” Evenhuis told Lake Tahoe News.

But no final plans have been devised for what type of restaurant it will be or what it will look like.

“This was an intimate, smallish, boutiquish restaurant that was probably perfect for that location. I’m sure we’ll not stray,” Evenhuis said.

Mama’s is no longer open to the public, with no immediate intent to change that status. For now a full breakfast is served to guests of the hotel in what is being called the cafe.

Evenhuis said the other businesses operating on the pier would remain.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (14)
  1. 30yrlocal says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    How sad. Blue Water Bistro was one of my favorite places to people when they were visiting the area.

  2. Kay Henderson says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    What a sad turn of events. I hope the owners of the Blue Water Bistro will soon open another restaurant!

  3. Mick says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    That makes no sense – the new owners have kicked out a wonderful local restaurant with high-quality food and excellent service…to make room for another one? Truly saddened.

  4. Al says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    What a shame. I won’t get to make my annual summer excursions there. I made it a twice a summer ritual to be ignored by the serving staff and to be blown away by great views and very average food. Bring on new ownership/management.

    The Tahoe rumor-mill is saying, Scuza is relocating into one of their restaurants (The Tahoe Grill) following possible lease issues at the Ski Run location. Doesn’t look good for The Tahoe Grill and staff. Their other businesses include Izzie’s, and Big Daddy’s.

  5. DC says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    I hear there is a vacancy on Ski Run where Scusa was. The Blue Water Bistro should move in there.

  6. Sheri says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    Yesterday I walked down to Timbercove to walk out on the pier and the pier was fenced off and locked up tight so that no one could go out on the pier. I am hoping that is a temporary situation amd that the new owners will not be denying pier access.

  7. admin says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    Scusa has moved from Ski Run to where Tahoe Grille is on Highway 50. The restaurants had the same owners. Scusa will open Nov. 15.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  8. Lisa says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    Very sad… It was a great place. Hope they find a new location!

  9. dryclean says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    Between new ownership at Timber Cove (rumored to be East Coast) and not the family trust, new east coast based owners at Round Hill shopping center and Vail’s interest in buying the Timber Cove Resort both before and after Maloof’s death, Raley’s putting a new gas station in, maybe a TJ Maxx at the Y and you have to wonder if opportunities in Tahoe have become so inexpensive that finally the outside world is realizing what a bargain everything is here. You couple this with the financial committment being made by the revamped gaming alliance to revitalize the downtown area, Park Cattle’s plans at Edgewood, Vail looking to finally redo the Califonia base lodge and looks like Tahoe could be seeing a rebirth by 2020 or so.
    Things can only get so cheap before the opportunists realize that its time to start buying in. With the new road work and a committment from the city on enforcement, it is starting to loook like a prettier picture which could also escalate activity. Now if the “hole” gets a real investor we will truly be off to the races.

  10. 30yrlocal says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    I had heard a few years ago that Randy Lane had purchased the rights to Timber Cove and the pier. Does anyone know about this or heard other news?

    I hope they remember that the beach is a city park and we still have access!

  11. dryclean says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    30 yearlocal – He tried to purchase it. It never materialized due to his financial issues.

  12. I' m a prisoner caught in a cross fire says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    It was a better place when it was the BOAT HOUSE ANYWAY.
    Jonathan THE CHICAGO SEAGULL finally EATS IT.
    You could always go up to Portland where the girl that had the tatoos went to open another sucessful place like hers.They got people there willing to pay for extra good Salmon,ca. bottle vino,plus lots good looking woman hangout there on the streets.

    Told you Jonathan that your day on the boards would come,Now Ron have to find a real job!
    You know how work the books ,so get back to a Chicago style Hospitality Joint ,I’ll come talk to you about the real inside jobs this town tried to pull,and the true history we laughed about.
    You and the sister need to not out grow your pants,skirts.
    Good to stay small, Keep your real loyal Customers Afterhours HAPPY!
    Oh don’t forget to Pump up the music,people like that stuff.

  13. sunriser2 says - Posted: November 9, 2011

    Why would Scusa move from Ski Run. I thought the “complete street” concept was going to save Tahoe?

    From the outside looking in it appeared to be working.

  14. I' m a prisoner caught in a cross fire says - Posted: November 9, 2011


    It’s still a concept,but the $$$ not there!Too much up keep, extra bills?
    Pasta at sky high prices might have you thinking, a bottle good Merlot, filet mignon,wild rice,real nice fire at home Better.
    Definitely a better way to entertain.