Recreation projects will increase hiking, fishing, biking opportunities

By Susan Voyles, Reno Gazette-Journal

Three projects key to providing more hiking, fishing and biking along the Truckee River in the Verdi area are gaining traction: the first leg of a bikeway in the Truckee Canyon, more parkland along the river and a new pond for fishing at Crystal Peak.

All of the projects involve obtaining grants or using voter-approved funds for park projects and should be ready for use by next summer. None of the projects involve funding that support local government services such as fire and police, officials said.

In the Truckee Canyon west of Verdi, a three-mile stretch of the Tahoe-Pyramid Bikeway is expected to open next summer after work is completed to strengthen the Fleish footbridge west of Verdi in California.

Renovating the 200-foot-long suspension bridge over the Truckee River is prerequisite for the Truckee Meadows Water Authority to open its maintenance road to hikers and bikers at the start of the Truckee Canyon.

“Getting this bridge in is a big deal for us,” said Janet Phillips, leader of the Pyramid-Tahoe Bikeway project. “We have a deal with TMWA. We help fix up their bridge and they will allow it to be used by the public.

“By late next summer, we will be able to ride mountain bikes from Verdi up into California,” she said.

The bikeway project is concentrating on filling in missing links so someday people can ride a bike along the Truckee River from Lake Tahoe to Pyramid Lake.

Of the 116-mile bikeway, about 55 percent is now open, Phillips said. With a new footbridge installed this week at the McCarran Ranch, that raises the mileage to 58 percent completed when it opens to the public this spring. The new section to Fleish will raises the percentage to 64 percent.

“The paradox is the easy sections were done first, meaning the remaining sections are harder,” Phillips said.

A new anchor for the Fleish bridge was poured a few weeks ago. Next year, a thicker cable will be installed to hold up the bridge and safer side railings and other features will be added, she said.

With all that, she said, the bridge won’t sway as much.

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