Snippets about Lake Tahoe
• The U.S. Forest Service on Nov. 11 signed off on the Squaw-Alpine deal, with the expectation of KSL Capital Partners becoming majority owner and JMA Ventures minority of the two resorts on Nov. 15. The new company is called Squaw Valley Ski Holdings Inc.
• This is Caltrans’ El Dorado-Tahoe road work schedule for this week.
• Caesars Foundation donated a meal delivery van to Sierra Senior Services, a nonprofit that assists seniors in the North Lake Tahoe and Truckee area.
• The Mallory Foundation is giving $200,000 to Carson-Tahoe Regional Medical Center to renovate the emergency department.
• Murder suspect Brad Macewan will be tried in El Dorado County Superior Court in South Lake Tahoe. A trial setting conference is scheduled for Nov. 21.